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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectNighden's Role Chapter 6
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=48558&mesg_id=48582
48582, Nighden's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Interventions and Pride.
Added Wed Oct 30 09:08:23 2013 at level 40:

Nighden fell foul of Gharzal's whim and was demoted for not dying like a fool to the
icemage Azzul. Nighden burned inside like a forgefire but outwardly he held it together
as he thought of the words Lord Destuvius had left with him when he had discovered his
Lord's Shrine.

Then the unexpected happened when a voice from the shadows offered Nighden council
about the political actions in the Black sect. Nighden listened to the wisdom that
poured from the anonymous source and it qwelled his burning. The voice spoke of things
like this as opportunities and that greatness is not given by title but earned by action.
It is fair to point out that at this moment the voice also mentioned that title does give
rise to it's own power however.

Nighden then struck down a fierce berserker giant called Bludel as he tried to strike at
the Citadel, gaining his position again. The voice then congratulated Nighden and as it
did so, Gedunthos stepped from the shadows and acknowledged Nighden for his work.

Pride rose up within him and he thought he finnally understood a little more about what
means to be Destuvian. He would seek out his Lord's audiance in the coming days.