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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectJutley's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=42846&mesg_id=42868
42868, Jutley's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

The Choice
Added Mon Oct 22 15:34:57 2012 at level 14:

The next day, Jutleys mind was filled with the experience from the night before. He couldnt stop
thinking on it. All day, he was incredibly distracted. Around noon a servant came to him and told him his
father was summoning him. Jutley obeyed and went to see his father. He found him waiting in his study
with the Necromancy Guildmaster. Jutley, my boy, it is time. You are near an adult now, and it is time
for you to choose to join the necromancy guild, his father said to him. Wearing a devilish grin, the
necromantic guildmaster added in, Yes, Jutley, it is time to become one of us. And perhaps, some day if
you are lucky, you might Become just like the great Drekvah has done recently. Choose, you must
choose. The words of his father and the guildmaster registered with him, and suddenly he felt revelation
come upon him. It was as if he suddenly realized the answer to a puzzle. He knew the reason behind the
experience from the night before, and he knew it instinctively. Had the old warrior shown him a glimpse
of futures that might be? Were the two men he saw possible versions of himself? A choice was being set
before him, only this choice had ramifications that reached far beyond his comprehension. He had to
choose to join or oppose magic. One path led to life and the other death and Jutley knew which one was

Later that night, Jutley found himself lying on the bed of a rented room in an inn. His father had been
furious when he told his father he chose not to join the magis guild and immediately kicked him out of
his house. So much had changed in such a little time, but, for some reason, he had a feeling of
contentment, as if he was doing the right thing. Somehow, he also knew that choosing not to join the
guild wouldnt be enough. The old warrior had told him he had to oppose it. Somehow, Jutley was going
to have to oppose magic, how he would do that, he had no idea. Pondering the matter he slipped into
sleep only to be awakened by a similar sounding crack that was accompanied this time with a strange
feeling of vibration. Jutley sat up and before he could look around he suddenly found himself standing at
the foot of his bed. His guide from the previous night, the old, gruff warrior materialized from the
shadows in the corner of his room. A mysterious smile crept over his face and he said, You have made
your choice. You have chosen to save yourself. But, this is just the beginning. This is only the start. There
will be more choices. There will be more to learn.

When Jutley woke the next morning he found himself inspired to begin writing music. Not just any
music, but, music that would arouse the heart and stir the spirit. Music that was inspirational. Music for