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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectParaloiut's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=32491&mesg_id=32513
32513, Paraloiut's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

What is Nature?
Added Sat Mar 27 03:49:52 2010 at level 10:

What is Nature? What is "The Wilds"? Some define it as what used to exist
and seek to return it to what it was. Other describe Nature as something
that is in combat with Magic, and that the two stand at opposite spectrums
of the war, but this fela sees something completely different.

Nature is all of it and how it all works together. Nature is the chaos
of change as forces from all directions are incorporated into an end
product. Thus for example, conjuration is not "Unnatural" it is just
another aspect of Nature and its all encompassing chaos and beauty. And
just as conjuration magic has an affect on a natural creature, Nature
as it is defined by others affects and changes conjured creatures. That
is the cycle and how Nature works.

This fela was born under the sphere of Para-Elements because she has
such an outlook on life. Paraloiut loves and dwells within the theory
of Evolution. How things come about when influenced by many things within
the Theran realm as a whole, not just a thin definition of Nature. She
especially loves insects, bugs, and vermin, not because they are
attractive or glorious, but because of HOW QUICKLY they can evolve.

Para-Elements are an expression of Evolution and what Paraloiut loves
about it so much. The fact that Para and Quasi elements are not "pure"
but instead a mixture of many to create something even more powerful
or unique.

This same theory applies to how Paraloiut views Nature and Evolution.
She loves to see how something "Pure" in the eyes of others, when mixed
with something else, can become something greater than its parts. And
truly believes this is how Nature works. What others see as "corruption"
Para sees as "Evolution". Here is an example of Para's thoughts.

Insects and Vermin are masters of Evolution, and the influence of,
let us say necromancy as a magic, can change the course of an insects'
path. A small leech fro the swamp does well when it sucks blood and
feeds on it, but expose it to negative plane energy, and through a few short
generations of the leech family line that was exposed (short also
because the generations come about every week), and that leech can
change its role in nature to not only feed off blood, but be
necromatically heal itself through the drawing of blood, like that
of a vampiric touch spell. This leech and its family line is now
bettered than the original parts. Other leeches not of this bloodline
die from wounds, do not heal as quickly, but these necromatic leeches
are now amazing creatures of how Nature works.

That is Nature, that is Evolution. And insects and vermin express
this aspect of Nature the best and the quickest, and bring Para the
quickest satisfaction. Why wait? And because of this love of insects
and Evolution, Para manipulates insects, vermin, bugs as a student
marshdwelling beastmaster ranger of the lands. She loves bugs and
she is going to show the rest of the lands what she can do with that love.