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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectZubei's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=32301&mesg_id=32324
32324, Zubei's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Chapter One
Added Tue May 4 14:01:40 2010 at level 21:

- My life has not been my own for as long as I can
remember. Felar are really quite an exceptional design.
They may not be very strong, but they are agile and
quite durable. They have natural weapons in their claws,
and extraordinary instinct for combat. I suppose this is
why my militant life began.
- Since the age of five or so, I have been funneled
into schools that are oriented around war and survival.
I could very easily live off the natural resources of a
forest. But I am lacking in formal education that many
others have the opportunity for. It is somewhat of a
tradeoff, and one that I am comfortable with.
- I was born in Blackclaw Village, but largely
raised at a nearby training camp called Camp Redclaw.
Most of our days were routine and monotonous. Generally
this was to build structure, order and hierarchy. There
was plenty of competition here amongst other trainees.
We were constantly talked down to, ordered to complete
ridiculous tasks, and always fighting amongst each
- Eventually, the weak would be found and dismissed,
where they would go on to live as servants or sold as
slaves somewhere else. The strong, however, would be
given greater opportunities. If one survives and endures
the hardship of training to the age of sixteen, they
would be given a few choices: Aspire to a Warrior Guild
in one of the major cities, become mercenaries or body-
guards, or help train new recruits.
- To me the choice seemed easy. I wanted to move to
Hamsah Mu'tazz and become a great warrior. In Hamsah,
because of the diversity, most are accepted into the
culture. I found my way to the guild, paid my dues, and
began a new style of training. Everything here seemed
very technical, but at the same time, very common sense.
Passing through the market one day, I heard a commanding
and confident voice: An Imperial Recruiter.
- The recruiter was very charismatic and very
persuasive. It was not long before he lured me in with
promises of prosperity, power and glory. I realized that
all my life has been spent working towards something,
and I had no idea what that something was...until now.
This will be my opportunity to truly shine. I will
either succeed or I will die trying. I have been
accepted as a Bloodoath of the Empire, and swear my
allegiance to Lord Enlilth.