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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectHakdu's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=28189&mesg_id=28209
28209, Hakdu's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Setting out upon a long walk.
Added Sun Jun 28 18:26:18 2009 at level 1:

A morning like any other, Hakdu had come out of his dwelling and had
taken the time to gaze upon the land from his snow covered mountain
ledge. The wind whipped about him on this morning, but it did not
bother him. He was used to both the wind, and the cold.

Peering out upon the beautiful landscape before him, Hakdu smiled
inwardly to himself. He looked at the river, snaking through the
thick pine forests. His eyes drifted to the endless green rolling
fields to the east of Udgaard. Hakdu had come to love the land,
it had provided him with life, and for that he was thankful.

His features twisted into a sour expression as his eyes came to rest
upon Udgaard proper. Black smoke hanging in the morning air above
the foul city. The city itself an eyesore. A black splotch upon
the beautiful canvas in front of him. His eyes traced the man
made roads, snaking in every direction from the city. Scars in the
flesh of this beautiful land.

Anger gripped him, the greed of man had long perplexed and disgusted
him. Men...men he hated most of all. They were worse than any
scourge of insects. They only took, and never gave back to the
beauty around them.

"Too long" Hakduk said aloud. Too long had he waited, doing nothing.
Returning to his den, he gathered what supplies he had stored prior
to the bitter cold of the winter. Food, Water, and several makeshift
weapons. Cinching his pack, he knew what lay before him. Anger
welled up in his soul, beckoning a sense of purpose and with it
confidence. He would help take back what had been stolen.

He set out that day upon the beginning of his journey. His
destination would be Galadon. The hub of buisiness within western
Thera. If he was to fight his enemy, and win he knew he must
study them.