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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectJanos's Role Chapter 10
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=19421&mesg_id=19448
19448, Janos's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

Janos's Past, pt 1 (Introduction)
Added Thu Dec 20 03:42:27 2007 at level 14:

Beauty is a sign of divine blood, a calculation of how
much a person should earn in life and their standing in respective
castes and status amongst society. At least, this is what Janos was
raised to believe.

His past was shrouded in mystery from other, more nosy Houses in
in the Underdark. Though House espionage was a common occurance in drow
society, not even the smartest, stealthiest or slyest of spies
could sneak in to the Janos's House, Ist'a (Vanity). All who attempted
were thwarted very quickly by the ever crafty and brilliant Ilithslandry,
Janos's mother. Her standing amongst the Underdark was one that demanded respect
but always had its share of envious House leaders and Matrons, with
constant attempts to overthrow her Matronage through whatever means necessary
and always ending up to no avail.

Janos was raised in secrecy his entire life by his mother. Rumous
constantly circled about on the Matron having another kid, this one
more vain then the last. Though this lead Janos to developing
many odd issues of not being able to socialize, through Ilithslandry
great network of influence, Janos was able to be home schooled in the arts
of transmutation magic - the magic that his mother always wanted to control
but never had the time to study, nor the innate ability to acquire it.
This child would be raised to perfection, to raise above the other Houses
and seek dominion over all political spheres within the Underdark. All for the will
of his mother.