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Topic subjectNiheriva's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=17299&mesg_id=17318
17318, Niheriva's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Added Mon Apr 16 17:46:49 2007 at level 51:

Where to begin?Firstly, I apologize to you all, my kin-once-more, for the
delay in this journal. With so much happening, these writings slipped my
mind. In my journeys I heard countless times of the deeds of the Fortress of
the Light. The Fortress stands as a symbol to all, and while it stands,
there is hope that one day the world will be purified of the taint. Until
that day, the innocent may find protection within and without its walls.
The Code instructed me to fight for all worthy causes and I could never have
found a more worthy cause than the call of the Maran. Upon receiving further
blessings from the Lady Jaguar, I was allowed in its walls and called myself
a Squire once more.

I was tasked by the Lords of the Fortress to attempt to strengthen the bonds
that tie us together as a family. What a challenging task that is! In
getting to know my fellow squires I found that some of them have beliefs that
go against the very Creed they are sworn to live by. I have been told I am
strong in my convictions, but I feel slightly guilty in that two of my
Fortress family have been greatly offended by my discussions to the point
that they are no longer with us. But, my Lady is with me, and I feel that if
I said or did anything out of line I would quickly feel her icy stare and
receive my just desserts.

I have been promoted to the position of Maran. I try to lead the squires and
my brothers by example, fighting with courage and trying not to make the same
mistakes repeatedly. Frequently I am overwhelmed by the power of our
enemies, but like the phoenix I rise again, hopefully gaining some insight of
myself in the process.

I have been redeemed to House Vilisital and am truly blessed to be able to
return to the courts of my beloved Darsylon, yet that is not where I belong
and is a life to which I shall never return. I ask that you take a moment to
reflect upon our Elders sacrifice that brought me to this path, may he
rest easy and at peace in the Azure Fields knowing his last breaths were not
wasted on me.

May you all honor and give my Lady Baerinika your thoughts and praises as
well. It is her power that flows through me and allows me to strike the
wicked with such fervor. Remember to remain pure in all things, actions,
thoughts, and spirit. Remember that courage is to stand up for what is
right, even if you stand alone, never give up and never accept something you
know to be wrong. Like the jaguar, watch and wait for the opportunity to
strike out at the impurities of the world and when you do, do so with great

May my thoughts bring guidance to your life.

In her name,

-Niheriva Vilisital, Maran of the Holy Brigade