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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectCelebrimbor's Role Chapter 9
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=1432&mesg_id=1452
1452, Celebrimbor's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

Journal entry 3.
Added Tue Mar 16 03:17:45 2004 at level 10:

Journal entry three.

This has been the strangest day yet! First, I met this being the spirits sent
me to seek out, a Divine Being named Vynmylak. At first I was apprehensive,
as the spirits warned me that He was not of the Folk. But immediately upon
meeting Him, I could sense why the spirits had sent me to Him. I could feel
the power and majesty radiating from His form, and it was all I could do to
remain appropriately grim in His presence. I wanted to laugh and cry and
dance and fall to my knees in wonder at the pure goodness I felt. I had
thought this to be something I would never find outside of the Folk.

He granted me a mere taste of His power, and I felt it flow through my body
and infuse me with a new might. He bade me to seek out one of my own people,
Nhiala, for further instruction int he ways of His followers. I pray I do not
fail Him in this.

Then I met a human, who bade me to carry a poem for him to his ladylove. Well
I agreed, despite his being a human, as I thought for the cause of love I
could lower myself to deal with a human. What a mistake! He has some sort of
disgusting inter-species affair with a young fela from a nearby village. I
had already given my word, and so conveyed his poem, but I gave them both a
stern talking to about how vile their love was, and how it smacked of the
taint of the filthy. I pray they heed my words.

I then met a princess from the bards village, who ALSO asked me to convey a
token to her love. I don't know what causes this strange love-sickness in
their village, but I was most careful not to drink the water, lest I become
besotted with some passing orc! As if that could ever happen, no matter the
power of whatever strange compulsion drives thosein that love-sick hamlet.

I find this strange land more and more troubling daily.