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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectMike's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=10081&mesg_id=10093
10093, Mike's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Role update numero UNO
Added Mon Dec 12 07:50:36 2005 at level 31:

Mike has reached the mid point in his advancepoint toward becoming a hero
bard so I feel its time for a little bit of an update.

Things are more or less as they were when he first began his quest and he
still holds true to his path of hoping to one day become a skjald of battle
and bear the mark of Ordase.

before though he has developed an acute dislike for heralds based on

before though he has developed an acute dislike for heralds based on
the actions of a specific elven bard and half-elf ranger. This animosity
began when The pair threatened the life of young mike while he was attempting
to force a mage out of hiding at the bar of the eternal star. At the time
the two were out of his pk range by a few levels and made quiet explicit
threats to kill him once the gods no longer protected him. Mike, being the
warrior baladeer that he is, returned to the inn after he had leveled up into
range of the pair and challenged the elven bard to a duel. Suddenly the mood
of the elf changed and instead of accpting the duel or simply refusing it he
began making excuses about not having a particular sword that he lost when he
earlier left the safety of the bar to taunt mike as he was fighting an orc(an;role + assassin killed him). As a result Mike has marked the bard and ranger as
cowards and has lost all respect for them, by association he has developed a
dislike of all heralds who now in his opinion only "like to sing about life;role + but fear to live it"

Honor has become increasingly more important to Mike as he grows older.
After a long series of fights in which others came in to kill his foes while
he was fighting Mike has become a lot more stringent about his personal
honor. He now strives to not accept any aid while in a battle and has even
gone so far as to refuse field dressings offered to him from the commander of
battle.He realizes that trying to be a skjald bard is a tough path to walk
and he wants to do it the best that he can and only by tempering his body to
not rely on the assistance of others does he believe he can accomplish that.