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Topic subjectJune Role Contest Winners and Runners-up
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=25&topic_id=2724
2724, June Role Contest Winners and Runners-up
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because we had seventy (70) entries, I was able to reward three runners-up. Runners-up will be able to enter future role contests (although their rewards may be taken into consideration).

Overall, I thought the "executive summaries" worked well. In fact, there were some roles that didn't make much sense to me until I read them. Also, look: 70 entries. There were a lot of unique and interesting roles and approaches. It was hard to narrow them down to six.



Thanks for playing!
2728, Thanks!
Posted by Skeeta Twitterlark on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, Malakhi for taking the time to run the contest! It is an honor to have placed above *so many* entries!

And I hope ORB there isn't taking a shot at me. Though it has been brought to my attention more than once *sigh*, Skeeta is NOT named or modeled after Rita Skeeter from Harry Potter, and it honest to gawd didn't even cross my mind when making the character.

Of course, now that it has been pointed out, I sure wish I had picked a different name. There is another completely-NON-fantasy book ("The Help") that had an aspiring edgy journalist with the nickname of Skeeter that I got the name idea from. I thought the author had the notion about the diminutive of mosquito - a buzz in the ear, being a fun name for a journalist character, and I agreed (especially one with wings!) but I altered it to make it sound more feminine. Rita Skeeter was not on my radar, but wouldn't surprise me if Rowling had the same notion about mosquitoes given her naming conventions.

Anyways, my role certainly wasn't based on any book.

I'm glad you found it to be a good read, Malakhi. Thanks again for running the contest!
2726, Do you have an email address I can use?
Posted by MoetEtChandon / Shamilu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sadly I had to delete Shambilu before crunch time (sorry about that in regards to your time), but since I do enter contests for the feedback, ie. what was good, what could be better, I'd like to hear your thoughts about it.

Or, if you don't mind posting it here, I sure don't mind either.

At any rate, thanks for all the effort.
2725, RE: June Role Contest Winners and Runners-up
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was your contest to run, but one of the char seems a complete copy of a character from a famous series of books. Is orginality not a factor? Cause if not I'll roll a disfigured dwarf the son of a powerful lord who is at war with the Starks from the north... oh wait too late.
2727, RE: June Role Contest Winners and Runners-up
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Role contests and role ratings in general are necessarily subjective. That said, I do (and did) value originality and I'm happy to stand behind my decisions. It was my first role contest, and I assure you I wanted to put in the same time and consideration I always wanted Imms to put into role contests I enter(ed), myself.

When the character(s) are gone, feel free to take a look at their role(s) and call me out on their Battlefield threads. However, as they are all active characters, all that sort of commentary must wait until they do reach the Battlefield.

I hope you understand and enter (and win!) the next role contest in July - though it is being run by a slovenly no-good orc. So I'm boycotting it because orcs drool.