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Forum Name Bug Submissions
Topic subjectTeleport into area explore?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=22280
22280, Teleport into area explore?
Posted by Mage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you couldn't do it:

c 'teleport
Lost in Swirling Fog
In contrast to the lifeless rock of the mountains, plant growth of every
kind abounds upon the valley floor. Vague shapes of tall, solemn trees loom
in every direction, adorned with falling tendrils of dark green moss. Obscured
by the fog, thick undergrowth reaches out with thorny fingers to entrap your
feet and grasp at your clothing. Everything is made ominous and ghost-like by
the dense blanket of dark gray mist that conceals anything even a few steps
away. The heavy moisture in the air burns your lungs and feels dead upon your
skin, as though no breeze has wafted between the ancient trunks around you in
thousands of years. The thickness of the fog robs you of all sense of
direction as you stumble forward, completely lost within the swirling mist.

(Red Aura) A keen eyed young mage slips silently through the forest.
(Red Aura) A keen eyed young mage slips silently through the forest.
A transmuter flickers and blurs into the shape of a boar and attacks!
A long tusked boar MASSACRES you!
A transmuter flickers and blurs into the shape of a wolf and attacks!
Your shield blocks a gray wolf's bite.
A gray wolf DISMEMBERS you!
A long tusked boar is in perfect health.
22282, not a bug
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is up to the area writer. They can either flag the area to block teleportation or not.