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Topic subjectGaladon mercenary shop.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=21966
21966, Galadon mercenary shop.
Posted by Cainasir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fela was sleeping. I woke her right before this snippet.

ed <845hp 506m 588mv 10292tnl (16.33%) 8 PM> u
The Mercenary Hideout

A calico fela mercenary is here on desk duty, shredding papers with her claws.

PROTECTED civilized <845hp 506m 587mv 10292tnl (16.33%) 8 PM> list
The shop's hours are 5 AM until 11 PM.
The mercenary tells you 'I don't have anything to sell today.'

PROTECTED civilized <845hp 506m 587mv 10292tnl (16.33%) 8 PM> d
The Mercenary Headquarters

PROTECTED civilized <845hp 506m 586mv 10292tnl (16.33%) 8 PM> list
Pets for sale:
<25> 6250 - a giant mercenary
<18> 3240 - an arial mercenary
<12> 1440 - a dwarven mercenary
< 7> 490 - an elven mercenary
< 3> 90 - a human mercenary

PROTECTED civilized <845hp 506m 586mv 10292tnl (16.33%) 8 PM> buy giant
You step out of the shadows.
There is no one here to pay.

PROTECTED civilized <845hp 506m 586mv 10292tnl (16.33%) 8 PM>

I notice this happens a lot. The merc salesman will just keep sleeping unless you wake him. Then you have to wait until morning for her to come back into the shop again.
23481, Couldn't reproduce.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I sat there for multiple days and watched the merc go up and down the stairs, didn't see them stuck in the room.