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RE: Actually i would make new gnome edge to improve dodge instead.
Right now wood-elf warriors are plain much stronger than gnome warriors.

Gnome warriors have 20 dex, doesn't it mean that they barely dodge at all?

So wood-elves have much much better defense - better flourintine + dodge skill, and more offense through new edge and more ripostes. And gnomes only get + about 200 hps ... what doesn't cover everything else.

The funny thing is that there isn't any point to learn Autumn Harvest legacy because improved parry edge means more parries and less dodges so these 2 things won't work well together.

But if the new gnome edge was improving dodge instead of parry then everything would be logical. They are very small and can dodge well because of that and they have an edge and the legacy to improve their dodge. So with these 2 things gnome warriors dodge like 23-24 dex warriors and become less weaker.
23-24 dex warriors can simply get +200 hp legacy to have the same hp and offense/defense as gnome with edge+legacy, but they don't have vuln_blunt.

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