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RE: Event Summary
A surprising number of people turned out. There was the expectation that barely anyone would join in, since people seem so adverse to picking flaws when rolling their characters. Boy were we wrong!

Every aspect of this event was left up to chance. First, people would drop a coin that had a 50% chance of landing on Sun or Moon.

If you landed on the Sun, then a randomizer was used to pick a random edge from the winner's class's edge list. For example: If a Shaman got Sun, the list from `help shaman edges` was randomized and you got whatever came out on top.

If you landed on the Moon, then a randomizer was used to pick a random flaw from the `help flaw list`.

23 characters took part in the gamble
10 received edges
13 receives flaws

I'd venture to say that CF currently has the highest number of chars with flaws that it has ever had. So color me impressed that people not only took part, but that **ONLY ONE** out of all the characters who lost deleted. That's a big compliment to the playerbase :)!


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