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RE: Trivia questions!
For those who want to try their hand, post your responses here!

The theme is that all answers are a race or group of creatures.

1 I am often found under the rule of the Empire, yet I have but one law.
2 Horns, tails, limbs, tentacles, and all things amiss. My one true home, the abyss.
3 We require numbers if we are to win. We throw rocks, elbow, and we'll kick you in the shin.
4 I feast on your bones and I give you a fright, with little concern as to what way is right.
5 Likely sphere pride as I am the king, my distant kin would play with a string.
6 To do what is right I will break any rule, but only to evil am I found to be cruel.
7 From living to dead I gladly did switch, though only your death will satiate my itch.
8 A blast and a blaze as I heat the room, point me to a felar and I'll be his doom.
9 The thing I lost still keeps me around, where all men must rest is where I will be found.
10 I'd win any race as I'm the fastest in town, but in a boat I'll never be horsing around
11 Behold what I see and you won't be the wiser, many perspectives make me an excellent supervisor.
12 With poison that will make your life ever ebb, I spend my time building a home out of web
13 As wise as a stone I am seen as pebbly, suppose that's why they call me a ____
14 As pure and as orderly as the light, I always protect with an aura of white.
15 No beloved cause me is cruel mockery, I drink them blood as they hiding in trees.
16 Brutal like my cousins with a bearlike hug, like a large hairy goblin you'd be scared to bug.
17 Make a deal with me and you'll be infernally damned, advocate for us and perhaps earn our brand.
18 We built a city and we remain paladin-hating, books have been written about our long-toed mating.
19 As winged as a devil but more like a man, in dangerous mountains you'll find our clan.
20 Some good and some evil though surely not Morian, knowing of us makes you a swampy historian

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