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RE: Valentine's Day Massacre (Feb 13th at 7PM)
Ever loved someone so much you wanted to kill them? Well, this event is for you.

Event - Valentine's Day Massacre
Date - February 13, 2019
Time - 7PM System (8PM EST)


A "Valentine's Day Massacre"

In the days of old, the Ancients and the children of
Thar-Eris, set aside a special day to celebrate their
love of her. This jubilee was such a grand occasion
for all, that the Ancients thinned the veils separating
Thar-Eris and the realms of light. On this particular
day only, beings of other planes who were the beacons
of both light and love, would be permitted to experience
her love as well. Angels and Archons soared in the skies
side by side with winged beasts embracing the winds far
above the lands. Deep in the forests, dazzling lights
combined with the sounds of regalement, offer a rare
glimpse of faerie folk dancing with cherubim.

However.....Where there is love, there also resides hate.

Several men dressed in priestly garb carry a decorated
kursi inlaid with gold and rare gems. A rapturous looking
man sits atop the carriage, remaining both still in action
and unspoken in word, while they usher him through a dark
jungle. Behind the kursi, dozens of slaves march idly
into the darkness.

Suddenly, the silence is broken as the unspoken figure shouts..

"Let the massacre begin!"

The slaves run off into the night as screams begin to
knell over and over again. Muffled sounds of agony penetrate
the darkness and soon wane to empty silence.

Loathing any aspect of Love and the fleshly constraints shackled
by such an emotion, Emnon the Unspoken One has decreed that this
ancient rite of blood flow once again upon the lands. At a place
of his choosing, the Heroes of Thera may entertain the Unspoken
Lord in a "Valentines Massacre".

Flesh against flesh, until only one stands victorious.

Tentatively to take place on Friday, February 13th
at 7:00 pm system time.

Who will be the next Massacre Champion?


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