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RE: Speed Without Sight (Blindfolded Race) - May 5th 6pm Server time (7pm est)
Event: Blindfolded Race
Day/Time: Saturday, May 5th at 6pm Server (7pm EST)
Entry requirements: None

On this upcoming Saturday at 6pm Server Time (7pm EST) I will be hosting a
small series of races. The concept of a race is simple: go from point A to
point B faster than anyone else in the competition. While impressive in its
own right, this competition will push that concept to the limit, with the
addition of a simple article of clothing: a blindfold.

These blindfolded races will be to and from notable locations, though not
everyone might be familiar with them. This tests speed, knowledge, and
accuracy. People joining the contest may be of any level, guild, cabal,
and so on, though obviously the most skilled in movement, and those able
to move great distances quickly will have the greatest advantages. If you
feel comfortable moving, even when blind, consider joining the contest to
prove your expertise.

The rules for the race will be listed at the event itself.


**Event visible on the CF Public Calendar:


Calendar information: http://forums.carrionfields.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=6&topic_id=68623&mesg_id=68623&listing_type=search

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