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RE: My view
Given that most FAQs are for relative newbies, the fact that a mechanic may be different than advertised doesn't make the FAQ pointless. I usually preface all my FAQs with something along the lines of "I may not be the best, but here's my advice and help from someone who has played the class a lot or a long time".

Sure, some veteran or immortal can point out "yeah, you're wrong here" but they don't really need the FAQ in the first place. A newbie may find out something different through their own experience but that's for them to figure out.

Another tidbit, the FAQ is on a wiki - they can edit it with a tag like . There's a reason that most video games have a wiki nowadays.....

In my opinion it shouldn't just be a few FAQs, it should be an official wiki with the mods being in charge of it. It'd make things like History/Leader list and such a whole lot easier to maintain - it wouldn't take much to move the other wiki over either. Some people have gone to great lengths to make some seriously nice maps as well - why they aren't officially supported is beyond understanding.

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