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RE: I like the second part of this..
Not to steal your thunder, Rade, but it kind of got me thinking so I'm gonna expand on it a little.

Your wands aren't automatically assigned to you at character generation. Each time you find a location, you have a chance at THAT being the right one.

Basically, if you arrive in the right room (or kill the mob, or whatever) you have a certain % chance of your wand appearing there. That % raises with your level. So at lvl 30, you would have a very small chance of finding the wand. At lvl 51, the chance would be significantly higher.

Seems like this would give people a reason to continue lvling up, instead of sitting at 30 or whatever until they found their wands (something ya'll always seem intent on pushing people to do).

Also, as there is a limited number of wand locations, the % chance of hitting would increase, the more locations you checked off the list. I would see this increasing more than just linearly, so while it might go up 1% for the first few locations, eventually the chance would increase significantly more and more, the fewer locations were left until you got to a point where maybe 30% of wand locations were available, you would have a better than even chance of finding your wand.

This system significantly reduces the chance that someone will have a specific wand that they seem to NEVER be able to find. Any average player can probably, with enough exploration, find the vast majority of wand locations. But the same average player will probably overlook the a few locations indefiniately, resulting in them getting frustrated and never finding their wands, ever.

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