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RE: Aura/Shield/Barrier...suggest a new system
I just have one issue with the extra wand location edge system. If I think there's a potential I will want to use the edge(s) it will discourage me from seeking my wands at all until i can pump up my locations. If there really are 100+ locations I'd be more in favor of giving each mage like 5 random shield locations, 3 auras, and maybe 1-2 barriers. That way most mages are wandering around with semi-reliable aura and shield, but similar lack of barrier. You still get the exploration-y parts of the system and there's just simply less grind to it.

Another twist.. instead of having set wand locations at birth, give your wand a random chance of appearing if you trigger the location (kill the mob, enter the room, etc.). If it 'hits' then that is your wand location. The system could be made such that basically if you hit 50 wand locations you're guaranteed to have found all 3 wands, or something to that affect. It would suck to have checked 99 locations and your barrier is in 100.

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