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RE: July Role Contest Winners!
And we have winners!

In order of winnerdom:

1: Aieyaie - this role had me (and Daevryn) giggling. It's also impressively, intriguinly illiterated!

2: Drezen - Great style (chapters are a little crazy long) and it's really in theme for the kind of character you are. Great background explanation, and we both approve of the boot thing. Tres cool.

3: Jichii - I like this role, and like how you RP it out. I think the second chapter makes you really have to work at keeping it going, but I think you'll manage just fine!

4: Throkk - Very well written fire giant role. Pretty standard, but a very nice, easy read with good ideas. Ties everything together in a pretty package.

Notes will be sent to the winners detailing their prizes.

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