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RE: more ideas - wood elf
wood-elf = examine habitat

Manual skill. Can be used at will but only in wilderness areas. Lags wood-elf 2 hours. Allows the wood-elf to examine the area for evidence of a particular mob or pc's presence.

Mob/pc must have been alive and in the area since the last repop for the skill to return a "success", which happens at the end of the period of lag. (Note the mob can be dead now, as long at it was in the area since the last repop.) If the wood-elf is attacked, the lag ends, but the wood-elf will not get the information.

This skill can tell the wood-elf, for example, if a particular assassin or ranger has been into the area since the repop. However, they must specify what they are looking for.

wood-elf = wildlore

Automatic skill. If someone is in forest terrain and in the same area as the wood-elf, there is a chance the wood-elf will notice something amiss. For example, perhaps birds take to the air suddenly, revealing the presence of someone in the woods. This skill can fire even if the person causing the disturbance is not in the wood-elfs pk. I would make it wilderness time dependant (ie a wood-elf who doesn't spend enough time in the wilds will not derive much benefit from this skill). I'd also make it increase slowly so that only an old wood-elf is likely to have perfected this.

wood-elf = weathersense

automatic skill. Wood-elf gets a sense that weather is likely to chance in a certain way before it actually does. Therefore, if someone uses the change weather skill and the wood-elf did not anticipate the change in weather, the wood-elf may know something is amiss.

This skill will also give the wood-elf a bonus to save versus call lightning, as the wood-elf ducks for cover when he notices the sudden activity in the clouds. I'd also let this work near the ruins of the deep.

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