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RE: vs Volkaen (Part 2)
I see Volkaen coming, and know Gvilond's out for a little bit. Charge!

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{973hp 396m 1198mv new} A Bend in a Path Through the Prosimy
The tall, stalwart evergreens of the Forest of Prosimy rise upward,
the light of the sky filtering through their thick, heavy branches.
The thick underbrush seems to constantly rustle with the movement of
smaller wildlife, and the mossy ground gives way easily beneath any
weight placed upon it. Various animal tracks can be seen upon the soft
ground. The path continues toward the east and the south.

Volkaen the arial is here.
The Treant has arrived.
An angry pack of wolves has arrived.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{973hp 396m 1197mv new}
Volkaen strikes you over the head with a stone baton.
Volkaen's cranial hit wounds you.
You yell 'Help! Volkaen hit me over the head!'
Volkaen has a few scratches.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{955hp 396m 1197mv new} co spike vol

Volkaen parries your crush.
An angry pack of wolves screams and attacks Volkaen!
Volkaen's poisonous bite DISMEMBERS an angry pack of wolves!
An angry pack of wolves's bite DISMEMBERS Volkaen!
The Treant screams and attacks Volkaen!
The Treant is unaffected by Volkaen's poisonous bite!
Venom innocuously drips to the ground as Volkaen's poisonous bite is blocked by a belt of iron and ebony.
Your shield blocks Volkaen's poisonous bite.
Volkaen's poisonous bite maims you!
Volkaen's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
Volkaen has some small but disgusting cuts.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{879hp 396m 1197mv new} You narrow your eyes and glare in Volkaen's direction.
The stony spikes spring up around Volkaen, injuring his feet!
Your spike growth *** DEMOLISHES *** Volkaen!
Volkaen has some small but disgusting cuts.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{879hp 371m 1197mv new}
Volkaen dodges your crush.
Volkaen dodges your crush.
Volkaen's poisonous bite maims you!
Poison creeps into your body from a sharp, yellowed fang.
You feel very sick.
You parry Volkaen's pound.
You parry Volkaen's pound.
Volkaen has some small but disgusting cuts.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{846hp 371m 1197mv new}
Volkaen tries to sever your artery, but his blow misses entirely.
Volkaen's deep gash misses you.
Your crush MUTILATES Volkaen!
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{846hp 371m 1197mv new}
An angry pack of wolves's bite DISMEMBERS Volkaen!
The Treant is unaffected by Volkaen's poisonous bite!
Volkaen dodges your crush.
Volkaen nimbly sidesteps your crush.
You parry Volkaen's poisonous bite.
Volkaen's pound MASSACRES you!
You parry Volkaen's pound.
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

*** Hey, this is going good. Let's try to take out his moves so he can't run!

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{780hp 371m 1197mv new} co ent
You narrow your eyes and glare in Volkaen's direction.
The thorny plants spring up around Volkaen, entangling his legs!
Your entanglement MASSACRES Volkaen!
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{780hp 331m 1197mv new}
Volkaen yells 'Die! Die that the Empire shall thrive!'
Volkaen appears more confident as he shouts 'Die! Die that the Empire shall thrive!'

Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.
*** Bleh

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{780hp 331m 1197mv new} co ent volk

Volkaen thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Volkaen's deep gash MUTILATES you!
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{738hp 331m 1197mv new}
An angry pack of wolves's bite DISMEMBERS Volkaen!
Volkaen dodges your crush.
Volkaen parries your crush.
You parry Volkaen's poisonous bite.
Volkaen's pound EVISCERATES you!
You parry Volkaen's pound.
You parry Volkaen's poisonous bite.
You parry Volkaen's pound.
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{691hp 331m 1197mv new} You narrow your eyes and glare in Volkaen's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.
*** Damnit

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{691hp 311m 1197mv new} co ent volk

Volkaen brings a stone baton around to hit your head!
Volkaen's cranial hit DISMEMBERS you!
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{634hp 311m 1197mv new}
The Treant is unaffected by Volkaen's poisonous bite!
Volkaen dodges your crush.
Volkaen parries your crush.
You parry Volkaen's poisonous bite.
Your shield blocks Volkaen's pound.
Volkaen's poisonous bite DISMEMBERS you!
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor clear 5 PM}
{578hp 311m 1197mv new}
The sky is getting cloudy.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison maims you!
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor cloudy 6 PM}
{543hp 331m 1213mv new}
The Treant is unaffected by Volkaen's poisonous bite!
Volkaen parries your crush.
Volkaen parries your crush.
Your shield blocks Volkaen's poisonous bite.
Volkaen's pound EVISCERATES you!
Volkaen's pound MUTILATES you!
Volkaen's poisonous bite devastates you!
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor cloudy 6 PM}
{428hp 331m 1213mv new} You narrow your eyes and glare in Volkaen's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.
*** Double damnit. This is starting to hurt!

{forest outdoor cloudy 6 PM}
{428hp 311m 1213mv new}
Volkaen parries your crush.
You parry Volkaen's poisonous bite.
You parry Volkaen's pound.
Volkaen's poisonous bite devastates you!
Volkaen's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor cloudy 6 PM}
{354hp 311m 1213mv new}
Volkaen brings a stone baton around to hit your head!
Volkaen's cranial hit maims you!
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor cloudy 6 PM}
{320hp 311m 1213mv new} flee

Volkaen dodges your crush and closes in for a concealed attack!
Volkaen's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
You parry Volkaen's poisonous bite.
Your shield blocks Volkaen's pound.
Your shield blocks Volkaen's poisonous bite.
Volkaen is covered with bleeding wounds.

{forest outdoor cloudy 6 PM}
{278hp 311m 1213mv new} Volkaen gets in one more shot as you flee.
Volkaen's parting blow devastates you!
A Bend in a Path Through the Prosimy
The tall conifers of the forest here reach skyward, as if challenging
the might of the deities above. Heavy, thick leaves create a canopy
above the path, severely limiting the sunlight that is able to filter
through their substantial mass. Small yet dense shrubs and short trees
line the path, preventing one from straying far from the carved-out
area. The sound of birds can be heard from the trees above, gently
falling upon any who would walk through here, their trilling conversation
contributing to the vibrant life of the forest. The path continues toward
the west and the north.

You flee from combat!

*** And I retreat to the Refuge.

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