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RE: Ghafler

<956/956(100%) 627(100%) 1236(98%) civilized 3 AM>
dash w ham ghaf
Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon

[Exits: east west]
Buk is here.
Ghafler is here.
You swing the Cuendillar Dagger of the Empress in a sweeping blow to Ghafler's hamstring!
Your hamstring slice DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
Ghafler has a few scratches.

<956/956(100%) 627(100%) 1235(98%) civilized 3 AM>

Buk leaves east.
Ghafler has a few scratches.

<956/956(100%) 627(100%) 1235(98%) civilized 3 AM>

Buk has arrived.
Ghafler has a few scratches.

<956/956(100%) 627(100%) 1235(98%) civilized 3 AM>

Ghafler lashes out with a steel flail, 'Frost Tongue' and entwines you tightly!
Ghafler has a few scratches.

<956/956(100%) 627(100%) 1235(98%) civilized 3 AM>

Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your slash.
Your stab DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
You parry Ghafler's punch.
Ghafler's slice DISMEMBERS you!
Ghafler's slice DISMEMBERS you!
Ghafler has a few scratches.

<836/956(87%) 627(100%) 1235(98%) civilized 3 AM>

Buk grins, her sharp teeth prominent.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your slash.
Your stab DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
Ghafler dodges your stab.
You dodge Ghafler's punch.
You remain safe as Ghafler's slice bounces harmlessly off of a pair of knife-like arm bands.
You dodge Ghafler's slice.
Ghafler's punch MUTILATES you!
Ghafler has some small but disgusting cuts.

<794/956(83%) 627(100%) 1235(98%) civilized 3 AM>
Ghafler is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Ghafler.
Buk looks at you.
Ghafler has some small but disgusting cuts.

<794/956(83%) 627(100%) 1235(98%) civilized 3 AM>

The lightning has stopped.
Ghafler wipes the dirt from his eyes.
Ghafler continues to bleed from his wounds.
Ghafler's bleeding hamstring injures him.
Ghafler has some small but disgusting cuts.

<817/956(85%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Ghafler wields a dark mithril longsword named 'Tarnished Faith'.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler dodges your slash.
Your stab DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
You dodge Ghafler's slash and close in for a concealed attack!
Your stab DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
Moving out of Ghafler's range, you quickly jump back with a thrust!
Your stab DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
You dodge Ghafler's slash.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<817/956(85%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Buk looks at Ghafler.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<817/956(85%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Ghafler turns your stab aside with a quick blow.
Ghafler parries your slash.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler's slash DISMEMBERS you!
Ghafler's slice EVISCERATES you!
Moving out of Ghafler's range, you quickly jump back with a thrust!
Your stab DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
Ghafler's slice DISMEMBERS you!
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<660/956(69%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>
Ghafler is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Ghafler.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<660/956(69%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your slash.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Your slash EVISCERATES Ghafler!
Ghafler's slash misses you.
You dodge Ghafler's slice and close in for a concealed attack!
Your stab DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
You dodge Ghafler's slice.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<660/956(69%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Ghafler sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Ghafler's bash hits you.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<649/956(67%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Your stab EVISCERATES Ghafler!
Ghafler parries your slash.
Your stab EVISCERATES Ghafler!
Ghafler parries your slash.
You parry Ghafler's slash.
You dodge Ghafler's slice.
You parry Ghafler's slash.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<649/956(67%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Buk looks at you.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<649/956(67%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Ghafler parries your stab and returns an attack of his own.
Ghafler's slash DISMEMBERS you!
Ghafler dodges your slash.
Ghafler parries your slash.
Ghafler parries your stab.
You parry Ghafler's slash.
You parry Ghafler's slice.
You dodge Ghafler's slice.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<593/956(62%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Ghafler gets a wild look in his eyes.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<593/956(62%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your slash.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your slash and returns an attack of his own.
Ghafler's slash MASSACRES you!
You parry Ghafler's slash.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<521/956(54%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Ghafler parries your stab and returns an attack of his own.
Ghafler's slash MASSACRES you!
Your slash DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
Ghafler parries your slash.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler's slash EVISCERATES you!
Ghafler's slice MASSACRES you!
You flow to one side as Ghafler's slash passes.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<329/956(34%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Buk looks at you.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<329/956(34%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>
His weapon won't budge!
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<329/956(34%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Ghafler parries your stab.
Your slash DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
Driving you back, Ghafler slips an attack of his own through.
Ghafler's slash DISMEMBERS you!
Ghafler dodges your stab.
Ghafler's slash DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Ghafler's slice.
You parry Ghafler's slash.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<217/956(22%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Buk looks at you.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<217/956(22%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>

Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your slash.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your stab.
You dodge Ghafler's slash.
You parry Ghafler's slice.
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<217/956(22%) 627(100%) 1256(100%) civilized 4 AM>
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Ghafler is covered with bleeding wounds.

<319/956(33%) 597(95%) 1206(96%) civilized 4 AM>

Your stab misses Ghafler.
Ghafler parries your slash.
Ghafler dodges your slash.
You dodge Ghafler's slash and close in for a concealed attack!
Your stab DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
You parry Ghafler's slice.
Ghafler's slice EVISCERATES you!
Ghafler is gushing blood.

<268/956(28%) 597(95%) 1206(96%) civilized 4 AM>
You lost your concentration.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your slash.
Your stab DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
Ghafler parries your slash.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler's slash DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Ghafler's slice MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Ghafler's slice MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Ghafler is gushing blood.

<77/956(8%) 595(94%) 1206(96%) civilized 4 AM>

Ghafler parries your stab.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Ghafler parries your slash.
Ghafler remains safe as your slash bounces harmlessly off of a conical cap.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your stab.
You dodge Ghafler's slash.
You parry Ghafler's slice.
Ghafler's slice MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You are too tightly entwined to escape!
Ghafler is gushing blood.

<6/956(0%) 595(94%) 1206(96%) civilized 4 AM>
You lunge at Ghafler and stab him with the Cuendillar Dagger of the Empress!
Your stab MASSACRES Ghafler!
You twist your dagger further into Ghafler's thigh wound!
Your twist DISMEMBERS Ghafler!
Ghafler is gushing blood.

<6/956(0%) 595(94%) 1206(96%) civilized 4 AM>

You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your slash.
Ghafler parries your stab.
Ghafler parries your stab.
You parry Ghafler's slash.
You parry Ghafler's slice.
You parry Ghafler's slash.
You dodge Ghafler's slash.
Ghafler is gushing blood.

<6/956(0%) 595(94%) 1206(96%) civilized 4 AM>

Ghafler parries your stab and returns an attack of his own.
Ghafler's slash DISMEMBERS you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
You feel some of your vitality drain out of you with this death.

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