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RE: Paraloiut takes the Empire to school

<1112/964(115%) 720(100%) 930(95%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night

[Exits: east south west]
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
(Ensnared) Kurzghar is here.
Anashi has arrived.

<1112/964(115%) 720(100%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>

The Nightwalker has left.

<1112/964(115%) 720(100%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Kurzghar The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Anashi The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) A camouflaged figure In the Dark, Marshy Forest

<1112/964(115%) 720(100%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
You turn an attentive ear to a jewel-encrusted gold harp and begin tuning it.

<1112/964(115%) 713(99%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
who pk
sig para
A jewel-encrusted gold harp sounds a great deal better!
People near you:
(PK) Kurzghar The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Anashi The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) A camouflaged figure In the Dark, Marshy Forest

<1112/964(115%) 713(99%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
sig para
[51 Fire War] (PK) [EMPIRE] Kurzghar the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
*51 Human Bar* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hanord Mendelebrot the Grand Master of Artistry, Emperor of Thera
[46 Felar War] (PK) [EMPIRE] Anashi the Champion of Battlefields, Elite Imperial Blade
[48 H-Drw Inv] (PK) Mazthroil the Elemental Lord
[43 Gnome Shf] (PK) Imgam the Elder Sorcerer of Transformation
[51 Elf Pal] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Erothaylius the Champion of the Virtues, Provincial Magistrate

Players found: 6

<1112/964(115%) 713(99%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
They aren't here.

<1112/964(115%) 713(99%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Kurzghar The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Anashi The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) A camouflaged figure In the Dark, Marshy Forest

<1112/964(115%) 713(99%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<1112/964(115%) 713(99%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Kurzghar The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Anashi The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) A camouflaged figure In the Dark, Marshy Forest

<1112/964(115%) 713(99%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
sig para
They aren't here.

<1112/964(115%) 713(99%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>

[EMPIRE] an Imperial Centurion: Help! Voko is attacking me at Entrance to the Village of Balator!

<1112/964(115%) 713(99%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Kurzghar The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Anashi The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Paraloiut The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night

<1112/964(115%) 713(99%) 923(94%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>

You yell 'Die, Paraloiut, you sorcerous dog!'
Paraloiut utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'.
The thorny plants spring up around you, entangling your legs!
Paraloiut steps out from her cover.
Paraloiut's entanglement mauls you.
Paraloiut is in perfect health.

<1088/964(112%) 713(99%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
sig para
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Paraloiut.
Your sigil of pain EVISCERATES Paraloiut!
Paraloiut has a few scratches.

<1088/964(112%) 653(90%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

The Nightwalker has arrived.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You dodge the Nightwalker's claw.
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES you!
Paraloiut parries your cleave.
Paraloiut's thrust DISMEMBERS you!
Paraloiut's claw EVISCERATES you!
You parry Paraloiut's claw.
You parry Paraloiut's thrust.
Paraloiut has a few scratches.

<949/964(98%) 653(90%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

Paraloiut darts past your defenses with the speed of a snake!
Paraloiut's serpent strike DISMEMBERS you!
Paraloiut has a few scratches.

<887/964(92%) 653(90%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

You dodge the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Paraloiut dodges your cleave.
As Paraloiut fights you, her confidence seems to falter in the face of your taunts and posturing.
You dodge Paraloiut's thrust.
You dodge Paraloiut's claw.
Paraloiut has a few scratches.

<887/964(92%) 653(90%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
You sing 'Can you trust your eyes, do they see what's real
Am I here just near to you, near enough to feel?
Or am I near the gnarled oak just over to your left
Or maybe standing to your right before the granite cleft?'
Paraloiut has a few scratches.

<887/964(92%) 633(87%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

Paraloiut tosses back her head and howls into the night.
A fierce timber wolf bursts out of the wilderness and attempts to take you down!
You parry a fierce timber wolf's claw.
You parry a fierce timber wolf's claw.
You parry a fierce timber wolf's claw.
Paraloiut has a few scratches.

<887/964(92%) 633(87%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

Anashi stops using a flaming bardiche.
Paraloiut has a few scratches.

<887/964(92%) 633(87%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

You parry a fierce timber wolf's claw.
A fierce timber wolf's claw EVISCERATES you!
You parry a fierce timber wolf's claw.
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES you!
You remain safe as the Nightwalker's claw bounces harmlessly off of breastplate of a dwarven ribcage.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Paraloiut parries your cleave.
Paraloiut's thrust DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Paraloiut's claw.
Paraloiut's thrust DISMEMBERS you!
Paraloiut has a few scratches.

<668/964(69%) 633(87%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

Anashi laces her fingers together and hammers her fists at Paraloiut!
Anashi's crushing blow leaves Paraloiut dazed!
Anashi's crushing blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Paraloiut!
Paraloiut has some small but disgusting cuts.

<668/964(69%) 633(87%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
You sing 'Can you trust your eyes, do they see what's real
Am I here just near to you, near enough to feel?
Or am I near the gnarled oak just over to your left
Or maybe standing to your right before the granite cleft?'
A fierce timber wolf's senses become distorted by your illusion.
The Nightwalker's senses become distorted by your illusion.
Paraloiut has some small but disgusting cuts.

<668/964(69%) 613(85%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

A fierce timber wolf tries to attack some empty air near you.
You remain safe as a fierce timber wolf's claw bounces harmlessly off of breastplate of a dwarven ribcage.
A fierce timber wolf's claw DISMEMBERS you!
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES you!
You dodge the Nightwalker's claw.
Paraloiut parries your cleave.
Anashi's claw MASSACRES Paraloiut!
You parry Paraloiut's thrust.
You parry Paraloiut's claw.
Paraloiut has some small but disgusting cuts.

<574/964(59%) 613(85%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
h wolf
sYou start aiming at a fierce timber wolf.
Paraloiut utters the words, 'uigzqh gxabraw'.
A fierce timber wolf is in perfect health.

<574/964(59%) 613(85%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
shove para
You couldn't budge them.
Paraloiut's thrust EVISCERATES you!
Paraloiut's claw EVISCERATES you!
You parry Paraloiut's thrust.
A fierce timber wolf is in perfect health.

<473/964(49%) 613(85%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

You dodge a fierce timber wolf's claw.
You parry a fierce timber wolf's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
A fierce timber wolf dodges your cleave.
Paraloiut slips into the murk, purposefully evading Anashi's attack.
Paraloiut's thrust DISMEMBERS you!
Paraloiut's claw DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Paraloiut's claw.
A ranger's spear glows a soft green in Paraloiut's paws.
A fierce timber wolf is in perfect health.

<346/964(35%) 613(85%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

Anashi laces her fingers together and hammers her fists at Paraloiut!
Anashi's crushing blow knocks Paraloiut down!
Anashi's crushing blow *** DEVASTATES *** Paraloiut!
A fierce timber wolf is in perfect health.

<346/964(35%) 613(85%) 461(47%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
In the Dark, Marshy Forest

[Exits: north east south west]
An odd eight-legged lizard sleeps here, curled up into a ball.
You flee from combat!

<346/964(35%) 613(85%) 454(46%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Dozens of large mosquitoes dance around in one spot, like a cloud.
As big as a human, a bright red flower grows on the marsh.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.
A fierce timber wolf has arrived.
Anashi yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'

<346/964(35%) 613(85%) 454(46%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic standing>

A fierce timber wolf yells 'Hanord! Now you die!'
You stop a fierce timber wolf's claw with a solid blow.
You parry a fierce timber wolf's claw.
You parry a fierce timber wolf's claw.
A fierce timber wolf is in perfect health.

<346/964(35%) 613(85%) 454(46%) 24900 wilderness 10 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
In the Dark, Marshy Forest

[Exits: north east west]
A huge beast-like plant crawls around the marsh using its tentacles.
Dozens of large mosquitoes dance around in one spot, like a cloud.
As big as a human, a bright red flower grows on the marsh.
You flee from combat!

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 559(57%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A fierce timber wolf courses here, following the scent of its prey.
An odd eight-legged lizard sleeps here, curled up into a ball.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 559(57%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>

A fierce timber wolf has arrived.
A fierce timber wolf yells 'Hanord! Now you die!'
A fierce timber wolf tries to attack some empty air near you.
You parry a fierce timber wolf's claw.
You parry a fierce timber wolf's claw.
You dodge a fierce timber wolf's claw.
A fierce timber wolf is in perfect health.

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 559(57%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
People near you:
(PK) Kurzghar The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Anashi The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Paraloiut The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
A fierce timber wolf is in perfect health.

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 559(57%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
In the Dark, Marshy Forest

[Exits: north east south west]
An odd eight-legged lizard sleeps here, curled up into a ball.
You flee from combat!

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 552(56%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>

Paraloiut has arrived.

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 552(56%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night

[Exits: east south west]
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
Anashi is here.
(Ensnared) Kurzghar is here.

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 545(55%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
The Dark, Moss-covered Mountainside Within the Mists

[Exits: east up]
A big black beetle sidesteps around the marsh aimlessly.
Anashi has arrived.

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 538(55%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
The End of the Dark Trail Hidden Within the Mists

[Exits: up down]
Anashi has arrived.

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 529(54%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Kurzghar The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Anashi The End of the Dark Trail Hidden Within the Mists
(PK) Paraloiut The Dark, Moss-covered Mountainside Within the Mists

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 529(54%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
The Dark Trail Hidden Within the Mists

[Exits: west down]
Anashi has arrived.

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 517(53%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Paraloiut has arrived.

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 517(53%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Kurzghar The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Anashi The Dark Trail Hidden Within the Mists
(PK) Paraloiut The Dark Trail Hidden Within the Mists

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 517(53%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
A Dark Trail Crossing the Peak of the Mountains

[Exits: east up down]
Anashi has arrived.
Paraloiut has arrived.

<368/964(38%) 651(90%) 505(51%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>

You yell 'Die, Paraloiut, you sorcerous dog!'
Paraloiut utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'.
The thorny plants spring up around you, entangling your legs!
Paraloiut's entanglement wounds you.
Paraloiut is covered with bleeding wounds.

<351/964(36%) 651(90%) 252(25%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
No way! You are still fighting!
Paraloiut is covered with bleeding wounds.

<351/964(36%) 651(90%) 252(25%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
People near you:
(PK) Kurzghar The Base of the Mountains Shrouded in the Night
(PK) Anashi A Dark Trail Crossing the Peak of the Mountains
(PK) Paraloiut A Dark Trail Crossing the Peak of the Mountains
The Nightwalker has arrived.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker tries to attack some empty air near you.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES you!
Paraloiut is covered with bleeding wounds.

<314/964(32%) 651(90%) 252(25%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
The Highest Peak

[Exits: down]
A large, comparatively smooth rock sits on the ground, words written on it.
Anashi has arrived.
You flee from combat!

<314/964(32%) 651(90%) 240(24%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
sing elven
Paraloiut has arrived.

<314/964(32%) 651(90%) 240(24%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
sing elven
You sing 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'

The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.

<384/964(39%) 636(88%) 240(24%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>

You yell 'Die, Paraloiut, you sorcerous dog!'
Paraloiut utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'.
The thorny plants spring up around you, entangling your legs!
Paraloiut's entanglement decimates you!
Paraloiut is covered with bleeding wounds.

<357/964(37%) 636(88%) 120(12%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

The Nightwalker has arrived.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw maims you!
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Paraloiut is covered with bleeding wounds.

<323/964(33%) 636(88%) 120(12%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You remain safe as the Nightwalker's claw bounces harmlessly off of breastplate of a dwarven ribcage.
Your cleave MASSACRES Paraloiut!
Seizing upon a flaw in Paraloiut's tactics, you swiftly kick her!
Your kick MANGLES Paraloiut!
Anashi's claw MUTILATES Paraloiut!
You dodge Paraloiut's thrust.
Paraloiut's claw DISMEMBERS you!
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<261/964(27%) 636(88%) 120(12%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
Paraloiut darts past your defenses with the speed of a snake!
Paraloiut's serpent strike EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<210/964(21%) 636(88%) 120(12%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
Anashi laces her fingers together to jab at Paraloiut but misses.
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<210/964(21%) 636(88%) 120(12%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

The Nightwalker tries to attack some empty air near you.
Paraloiut dodges your cleave.
As Paraloiut fights you, her confidence seems to falter in the face of your taunts and posturing.
Anashi's claw MASSACRES Paraloiut!
Paraloiut's thrust DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Paraloiut's claw EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Paraloiut's claw DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<55/964(5%) 636(88%) 120(12%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
A Dark Trail Crossing the Peak of the Mountains

[Exits: east up down]
You flee from combat!

<55/964(5%) 636(88%) 108(11%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>

Paraloiut has arrived.

<55/964(5%) 636(88%) 108(11%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
You aren't fighting anyone.

<55/964(5%) 636(88%) 108(11%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
You aren't fighting anyone.
You yell 'Die, Paraloiut, you sorcerous dog!'
Paraloiut utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'.
The thorny plants spring up around you, entangling your legs!
Paraloiut's entanglement wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
The Dark Trail Hidden Within the Mists

[Exits: west down]
A fierce timber wolf courses here, following the scent of its prey.
You flee from combat!
A fierce timber wolf yells 'Hanord! Now you die!'
You remain safe as a fierce timber wolf's claw bounces harmlessly off of some embossed bracers.
A fierce timber wolf tries to attack some empty air near you.
A fierce timber wolf is in perfect health.

<35/964(3%) 636(88%) 42(4%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
You get a purple pill from the girdle of endless space.
A fierce timber wolf is in perfect health.

<35/964(3%) 636(88%) 42(4%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
You're too busy fighting to think about food.
A fierce timber wolf is in perfect health.

<35/964(3%) 636(88%) 42(4%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
tA Dark Trail Crossing the Peak of the Mountains

[Exits: east up down]
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
Paraloiut is here.
You flee from combat!

<35/964(3%) 636(88%) 30(3%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>

Paraloiut leaves.
The Nightwalker yells 'Hanord! Now you die!'
You dodge the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
The Nightwalker is in perfect health.

<35/964(3%) 636(88%) 30(3%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

Anashi has arrived.
The Nightwalker is in perfect health.

<35/964(3%) 636(88%) 30(3%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
You get a purple pill from the girdle of endless space.
The Nightwalker is in perfect health.

<35/964(3%) 636(88%) 30(3%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
flYou're too busy fighting to think about food.
Paraloiut has arrived.
The Nightwalker is in perfect health.

<35/964(3%) 636(88%) 30(3%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
The Highest Peak

[Exits: down]
A large, comparatively smooth rock sits on the ground, words written on it.
Anashi has arrived.
You flee from combat!

<35/964(3%) 636(88%) 18(1%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
Paraloiut has arrived.

<35/964(3%) 636(88%) 18(1%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic standing>
You yell 'Die, Paraloiut, you sorcerous dog!'
Paraloiut utters the words, 'unsohaiorz'.
The thorny plants spring up around you, entangling your legs!
Paraloiut's entanglement mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<13/964(1%) 636(88%) 9(0%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
Paraloiut dodges your cleave.
Paraloiut's thrust MASSACRES Anashi!
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<13/964(1%) 636(88%) 9(0%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
[EMPIRE] an Imperial Centurion: Help! Voko is attacking me at Entrance to the Village of Balator!
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<13/964(1%) 636(88%) 9(0%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
You're too busy fighting to think about food.
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<13/964(1%) 636(88%) 9(0%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
fYou are too exhausted.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<13/964(1%) 636(88%) 9(0%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<13/964(1%) 636(88%) 9(0%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>
rYou are too exhausted.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<13/964(1%) 636(88%) 9(0%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

Paraloiut misdirects Anashi's crushing blow with a quick fake to her left.
Paraloiut is gushing blood.

<13/964(1%) 636(88%) 9(0%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM drunk Tragic fighting>

Paraloiut starts aiming at you!
A fierce timber wolf has arrived.
The Nightwalker has arrived.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You dodge the Nightwalker's claw.
Paraloiut parries your cleave.
You parry Paraloiut's thrust.
You dodge Paraloiut's claw.
You parry Paraloiut's claw.
Paraloiut's thrust DISMEMBERS you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!


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