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RE: Your embarassment === OBLITERATES === you!

<1363/1363(100%) 298(35%) 583(58%) 24900 wilderness 2 AM tipsy Tragic standing>
Amidst Shrubs and Undergrowth

[Exits: none]
Kirsly is here.
Niglecher has arrived.

<1363/1363(100%) 298(35%) 578(58%) 24900 wilderness 2 AM tipsy Tragic standing>

The sky is getting cloudy.
Niglecher's thirst grazes her.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.
The magical aura fades away.
The power of the Imperial Codex fades away.

<1363/1363(100%) 325(38%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic standing>
You sing 'The ghosts remain, and chant the chorus
Forget not souls who've come before us;
Those spirits cold, and without number
Who pass the night in endless slumber.'
Kirsly collapses into a deep sleep.

<1363/1363(100%) 295(34%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic standing>
Kirsly yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Kirsly's direction.
Kirsly begins to waste away before your eyes!
Niglecher's attempted rotting grazes Kirsly.

<1363/1363(100%) 295(34%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic standing>

Kirsly's poisonous bite mauls Niglecher.
Kirsly's electrical discharge mauls Niglecher.

<1363/1363(100%) 295(34%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic standing>

Kirsly thrusts her dagger towards Niglecher, attempting to sever her artery!
Kirsly's deep gash injures Niglecher.

<1363/1363(100%) 295(34%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic standing>
cb You sing 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
Your reverberating blast DISMEMBERS Kirsly!
Kirsly yells 'Help! Hanord attacked me!'
Kirsly has a few scratches.

<1363/1363(100%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
cb Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Kirsly's direction.
Kirsly has a few scratches.

<1363/1363(100%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
Niglecher's drowning DISMEMBERS Kirsly!
Kirsly's electrical discharge devastates Niglecher!
Kirsly's electrical discharge decimates Niglecher!
Kirsly's electrical discharge devastates Niglecher!
Kirsly pulls away from your line of sight, avoiding your attack.
As Kirsly maneuvers, you lose sight of her briefly. As you turn to face her, she is already upon you with a vicious strike!
Kirsly's poisonous bite is powerless against you.
Seizing upon a flaw in Kirsly's tactics, you swiftly kick her!
Your kick MUTILATES Kirsly!
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1363/1363(100%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
cb Hol
Kirsly starts aiming at you!
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1363/1363(100%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
cb Holy Grov
Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Kirsly's direction.
Kirsly screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin.
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1363/1363(100%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
cb Holy Grove
Kirsly's poisonous bite is powerless against you.
You parry Kirsly's electrical discharge.
You dodge Kirsly's poisonous bite.
Kirsly dodges your slice and closes in for a concealed attack!
Kirsly's poisonous bite is powerless against you.
Seizing upon a flaw in Kirsly's tactics, you swiftly kick her!
Your kick devastates Kirsly!
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1363/1363(100%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
cb Holy Grove quickly.
Kirsly's eyes become bloodshot and her face contorts into a mask of rage!
Kirsly looks more enlightened.
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1363/1363(100%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
cb Holy Grove quickly.
[EMPIRE] Hanord: Holy Grove quickly.
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1363/1363(100%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Kirsly's direction.
Kirsly screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin.
Kirsly's poisonous bite devastates Niglecher!
Niglecher is poisoned as Kirsly lands a blow with an ichor drenched emerald knife.
Niglecher looks very ill.
You parry Kirsly's poisonous bite.
You parry Kirsly's electrical discharge.
You parry Kirsly's poisonous bite.
Kirsly delivers a blow of deadly force!
Kirsly's electrical discharge *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Kirsly dodges your slice and closes in for a concealed attack!
Kirsly's poisonous bite is powerless against you.
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1198/1363(87%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly stops using a razor-thin dagger 'Storm Shear'.
Kirsly stops using an ichor drenched emerald knife.
Kirsly wields the dagger of Yog-Sothoth.
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1198/1363(87%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

You parry Kirsly's pierce.
You dodge Kirsly's punch.
You parry Kirsly's pierce.
Kirsly dodges your slice.
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1198/1363(87%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Kirsly's direction.
Niglecher calls forth the demons of Hell upon Kirsly!
Niglecher's torments MUTILATES Kirsly!
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1198/1363(87%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
Kirsly thrusts her dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Kirsly's deep gash EVISCERATES you!
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1153/1363(84%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
Kurzghar tells the group 'en route'
Kirsly has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1153/1363(84%) 255(30%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
You sing 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
Your reverberating blast MANGLES Kirsly!
Kirsly is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1153/1363(84%) 215(25%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly's pierce EVISCERATES Niglecher!
You parry Kirsly's pierce.
You parry Kirsly's punch.
You parry Kirsly's pierce.
Kirsly's pierce nearly breaks through your blocking blow.
You parry Kirsly's pierce.
Kirsly pulls away from your line of sight, avoiding your attack.
As Kirsly maneuvers, you lose sight of her briefly. As you turn to face her, she is already upon you with a vicious strike!
Kirsly's pierce EVISCERATES you!
Kirsly is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1104/1363(80%) 215(25%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Kirsly's direction.
Niglecher calls forth the demons of Hell upon Kirsly!
Niglecher's torments devastates Kirsly!
Kirsly is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1104/1363(80%) 215(25%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly stops using the dagger of Yog-Sothoth.
Kirsly wields a razor-thin dagger 'Storm Shear'.
Kirsly is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1104/1363(80%) 215(25%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the chest!
Kirsly's hurled dagger injures you.
Kirsly is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1090/1363(79%) 215(25%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
Kirsly's electrical discharge DISMEMBERS you!
Kirsly's punch DISMEMBERS you!
Kirsly's punch MUTILATES you!
Kirsly's electrical discharge EVISCERATES you!
Kirsly dodges your slice.
Kirsly is covered with bleeding wounds.

<889/1363(65%) 215(25%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Kirsly's direction.
Niglecher calls forth the demons of Hell upon Kirsly!
Niglecher's torments DISMEMBERS Kirsly!
Kirsly is covered with bleeding wounds.

<889/1363(65%) 215(25%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
You sing 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
Your reverberating blast MANGLES Kirsly!
Kirsly is gushing blood.

<889/1363(65%) 175(20%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Sparks fly as Kirsly's electrical discharge is halted by some spider-skin leggings.
Kirsly's punch DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Kirsly's electrical discharge.
Kirsly's electrical discharge EVISCERATES you!
You parry Kirsly's electrical discharge.
Your slice MUTILATES Kirsly!
Kirsly is gushing blood.

<784/1363(57%) 175(20%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Kirsly's direction.
Niglecher calls forth the demons of Hell upon Kirsly!
Niglecher's torments maims Kirsly!
Kirsly is gushing blood.

<784/1363(57%) 175(20%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly stops using a razor-thin dagger 'Storm Shear'.
Kirsly wields the flaming scepter of Chaos.
Kirsly is gushing blood.

<784/1363(57%) 175(20%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly brings the flaming scepter of Chaos around to hit your head!
Kirsly's cranial hit MUTILATES you!
You parry Kirsly's wrath.
Kirsly's punch maims you!
You parry Kirsly's wrath.
Kirsly parries your slice.
Kirsly is gushing blood.

<709/1363(52%) 175(20%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Kirsly's direction.
Niglecher calls forth the demons of Hell upon Kirsly!
Niglecher's torments maims Kirsly!
Kirsly is gushing blood.

<709/1363(52%) 175(20%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly's wrath misses you.
You parry Kirsly's wrath.
Kirsly's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Kirsly parries your slice.
Her feet aren't on the ground.
A majestic silver scepter flashes brilliantly, projecting itself into combat!
Your divine subjugation devastates Kirsly!
Kirsly is gushing blood.

<656/1363(48%) 175(20%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Kirsly's direction.
Niglecher calls forth the demons of Hell upon Kirsly!
Niglecher's torments devastates Kirsly!
You sing 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
Your reverberating blast MANGLES Kirsly!
Kirsly is writhing in agony.

<656/1363(48%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

You parry Kirsly's wrath.
Kirsly's punch MUTILATES you!
You parry Kirsly's wrath.
Kirsly's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Kirsly's wrath.
Kirsly parries your slice.
A majestic silver scepter flashes brilliantly, projecting itself into combat!
Your divine subjugation devastates Kirsly!
Kirsly is writhing in agony.

<568/1363(41%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly brings the flaming scepter of Chaos around to hit your head!
Kirsly's cranial hit DISMEMBERS you!
Your head spins a bit and then settles into a dull throb.
Kirsly is writhing in agony.

<514/1363(37%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher looks at you.
Kirsly is writhing in agony.

<514/1363(37%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

[EMPIRE] Kurzghar: They broke into chasm
Kirsly is writhing in agony.

<514/1363(37%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly delivers a blow of deadly force!
Kirsly's wrath === OBLITERATES === you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kirsly's punch maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Kirsly's wrath.
You dodge Kirsly's wrath.
Kirsly parries your slice.
As Kirsly fights you, her confidence seems to falter in the face of your taunts and posturing.
Kirsly is writhing in agony.

<286/1363(20%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

[EMPIRE] Kurzghar: They is all mortal
You do not have that item.
Kirsly is writhing in agony.

<286/1363(20%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
You can brandish only with a talisman.
Kirsly is writhing in agony.

<286/1363(20%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly's wrath misses you.
Kirsly's punch misses you.
Kirsly's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kirsly gets in one more shot as you flee.
Kirsly's parting blow EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Kirsly parries your slice.
As Kirsly fights you, her confidence seems to falter in the face of your taunts and posturing.
Kirsly is writhing in agony.

<193/1363(14%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Kirsly's cranial hit misses you.
Kirsly is writhing in agony.

<193/1363(14%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
g 'staf
Niglecher's kick injures Kirsly.
Kirsly is convulsing on the ground.

<193/1363(14%) 135(15%) 690(69%) 24900 wilderness 3 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
g 'staff retu
It starts to rain.
Niglecher shivers and suffers.
Niglecher's poison wounds her.
Niglecher's thirst hits her.
You feel solid again.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kirsly is convulsing on the ground.

<165/1363(12%) 139(16%) 716(72%) 24900 wilderness 4 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
g 'staff return' gi
Kirsly's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kirsly's parting blow DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Kirsly's punch EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kirsly delivers a blow of deadly force!
Kirsly's parting blow *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You have been KILLED!!

You can no longer find the strength to wield the Eagle-Marked Sword.
The aura of heat around your body fades as you remove a belt of flaming demon scales.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

<1/746(0%) 1(0%) 716(72%) 24900 PROTECTED 4 AM sober Tragic resting>
g 'staff return' girdle
You see no girdle here.


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