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RE: VS Dierjnal

<541/100%hp 656/89%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir At the Base of a Hill
Alathil At the Base of a Hill
(PK) Harvace Outside the South Postern Gate
(PK) Dierjnal At the Base of a Hill

<541/100%hp 656/89%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Dierjnal arrives suddenly.

<541/100%hp 606/83%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Dierjnal yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Dierjnal's legs buckle, and he suddenly slumps to the ground and sleeps.

<541/100%hp 591/80%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You don't know any spells of that name.

<541/100%hp 591/80%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Dierjnal yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Dierjnal looks very ill.

<541/100%hp 566/77%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Dierjnal yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Dierjnal looks very uncomfortable.

<541/100%hp 546/74%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Dierjnal yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Dierjnal can no longer find the strength to wield a ranger's staff.
Dierjnal screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.

<541/100%hp 526/72%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Dierjnal yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You point a hand at Dierjnal and proclaim 'Despair!'
Dierjnal's features distort with hopelessness, and the fire fades from his eyes.

<541/100%hp 496/67%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You get a steel-tipped wooden spear from a travel stained backpack.

<541/100%hp 496/67%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Dierjnal yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Dierjnal appears to be blinded.

<541/100%hp 491/67%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A tall, incredibly light skinned half elf stands in the shadows before you.
His hair is long and jet black, almost blue, yet his eyes are clear and
blue. He says nothing to you as you approach, which makes you all the more
nervous. Finally he dips is head in acknowledgement and closes his eyes
for a brief moment as if searing your prescence into his memory.

His armor is made primarily of leather or bone, and his weapons seem to
be made of various things you might come across in a cave or forest. He
makes no sounds when he moves, except to occassionally howl into the air
something clearly about his ancestors.

As he steps out of the shadows and looks back at you, you notice
a scar running down the left side of his face, from eye to chin. Possibly
a simple reward from battle, bit more likely, an initiation mark denoting
his acceptance into the fighting ranks of Inljal society. He glances
back at you one final time, then grabs a weapon from over his shoulder,
charging into the hunt before you.
Dierjnal, a male half-elf, is in perfect health.

Dierjnal is using:
<worn on finger> a pale white skull ring
<worn on finger> a pale white skull ring
<worn around neck> a sandy-brown desert cloak
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a ruby necklace
<worn on body> torso from the snow worm
<worn on head> a red patterned handkerchief
<worn on legs> some leggings from the snow worm
<worn on feet> a pair of thick hide boots
<worn on hands> some studded leather work gloves
<worn on arms> some thick hide sleeves
<worn about body> a cloak of wyvern leather
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> a bracer of duskhorn bone
<worn around wrist> (Magical) a charred leather bracer

<541/100%hp 491/67%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 1 AM wilderness outdoor standing>
It starts to rain.

Dierjnal writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
Dierjnal's sickness grazes him.
Dierjnal shivers and suffers.
Dierjnal's poison decimates him!

<541/100%hp 511/70%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You get a yellow root from a travel stained backpack.

<541/100%hp 511/70%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir At the Base of a Hill
Alathil At the Base of a Hill
(PK) Harvace Outside the South Postern Gate
(PK) Dierjnal Outside the South Postern Gate

<541/100%hp 511/70%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You finish eating a yellow root.
You start to feel full.
The world and everything around seem to grow smaller.

<541/100%hp 511/70%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
Alathil A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
(PK) Harvace Outside the South Postern Gate
(PK) Dierjnal Outside the South Postern Gate

<541/100%hp 511/70%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You need to wield a spear to vault.

<541/100%hp 511/70%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You stop using a pyrohydra-scale shield.
You stop using the Weaver of Doom.
You wield a steel-tipped wooden spear.
You feel quite confident with a steel-tipped wooden spear.

<541/99%hp 511/68%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Spreading your wings and clutching a steel-tipped wooden spear, you launch yourself into the air!

<541/99%hp 486/64%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor standing>
Reaching the apex of your leap, you spin and hurl yourself at Dierjnal!

<541/99%hp 486/64%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor standing>
With all your might, you strike Dierjnal with a steel-tipped wooden spear!
You fade into existence.
Your downward strike *** DEVASTATES *** Dierjnal!
Dierjnal yells 'Help! Someone just jumped on me with something really sharp! Ouch!'
Dierjnal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<541/99%hp 486/64%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor fighting>
Dierjnal dodges your pierce.
Dierjnal dodges your pierce.
Dierjnal's punch devastates you!
You dodge Dierjnal's punch.
You parry Dierjnal's punch.
Dierjnal's punch devastates you!
Dierjnal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<482/88%hp 486/64%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor fighting>
Bolamir has arrived.
Dierjnal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<482/88%hp 486/64%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor fighting>
Dierjnal dodges your pierce.
Dierjnal dodges your pierce.
Dierjnal dodges your pierce.
Dierjnal's punch misses you.
You absorb the force of Dierjnal's punch with a silver-gray brigandine.
Dierjnal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<482/88%hp 486/64%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor fighting>
Alathil looks at you.
You slam into Dierjnal, and send him flying!
Your bash mauls Dierjnal.
Dierjnal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<482/88%hp 486/64%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 2 AM wilderness outdoor fighting>
Dierjnal writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
Dierjnal's sickness grazes him.
Dierjnal shivers and suffers.
Dierjnal's poison decimates him!
Dierjnal continues to bleed from his wounds.
Dierjnal's bleeding MASSACRES him!
Dierjnal is gushing blood.

<489/89%hp 499/66%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor fighting>
Dierjnal dodges your pierce.
Dierjnal dodges your pierce.
Your pierce EVISCERATES Dierjnal!
Dierjnal's punch MUTILATES you!
Dierjnal's punch decimates you!
You parry Dierjnal's punch.
Dierjnal is gushing blood.

<424/77%hp 499/66%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor fighting>
Dierjnal has fled!
Dierjnal leaves.
Bolamir leaves west.

<424/77%hp 499/66%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor standing> But you aren't fighting anyone!

<424/77%hp 499/66%m 658/100%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Bend in the Path
You are on a path between the keep and the wall. There is no way into the
keep, except for a few tiny arrow slits. The path follows the wall and the
keep, leading to the west and north.

[Exits: north east west]
This guard is patrolling the courtyard of Lord Tabershaw's keep.

<424/77%hp 499/66%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 3 AM civilized outdoor standing> They aren't here.

<424/77%hp 499/66%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 3 AM civilized outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir The Path Behind the Keep
Alathil The Path Behind the Keep
(PK) Harvace A Bend in the Path
(PK) Dierjnal The Path Behind the Keep

<424/77%hp 499/66%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 3 AM civilized outdoor standing> Dierjnal arrives suddenly.

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 3 AM civilized outdoor standing>
Dierjnal leaves east.

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 3 AM civilized outdoor standing>
Bolamir has arrived.

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 3 AM civilized outdoor standing> They aren't here.

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 3 AM civilized outdoor standing> Outside the South Postern Gate

[Exits: east west]

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 656/99%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

[Exits: east west]

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 653/99%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 653/99%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

[Exits: south west]

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 650/98%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 650/98%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A small brown hare sniffs at the air tentatively, wary of predators.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 650/98%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

[Exits: east west]

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 647/98%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Outside the South Postern Gate

[Exits: east west]

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 644/97%mv 20496tnl 3 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Bend in the Path

[Exits: north east west]
Alathil the elf is here.
Bolamir the human is here.
This guard is patrolling the courtyard of Lord Tabershaw's keep.

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 643/97%mv 20496tnl 3 AM civilized outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir A Bend in the Path
Alathil A Bend in the Path
(PK) Harvace A Bend in the Path

<424/77%hp 449/59%m 643/97%mv 20496tnl 3 AM civilized outdoor standing> Outside the South Postern Gate

[Exits: east west]

<431/78%hp 470/62%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid explosion of snow and ice.

<431/78%hp 445/59%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
(PK) Harvace Outside the South Postern Gate

<431/78%hp 445/59%m 657/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

[Exits: east west]

<431/78%hp 445/59%m 654/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<431/78%hp 445/59%m 654/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing>
Bolamir has arrived.
People near you:
Bolamir A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
Alathil A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<431/78%hp 445/59%m 654/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
Alathil A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<431/78%hp 445/59%m 654/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> [36 Arial A-P] (PK) Khratetch the Knight of the Apocalypse
[39 Elf Tra] (PK) Kahari the Elder Transmuter
[37 Duerg War] (PK) Kregtre the Battle-Scarred
*37 Arial A-P* (PK) Harvace the LightSlayer
[44 Felar Shf] (PK) Lutoren the Master of Shapeshifting
[35 Gnome Dru] (PK) Greikyn Dral'sam the Great Druid, Deckhand

Players found: 6

<431/78%hp 445/59%m 654/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You fade out of existence.

<431/78%hp 440/58%m 654/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing>
Bolamir looks at you.

<431/78%hp 440/58%m 654/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
Alathil A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<431/78%hp 440/58%m 654/99%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

[Exits: south west]
Fresh blood pools at the base of a nearby tree.

<431/78%hp 440/58%m 651/98%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
Alathil A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<431/78%hp 440/58%m 651/98%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

[Exits: north east]
A small brown hare sniffs at the air tentatively, wary of predators.

<431/78%hp 440/58%m 648/98%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
Alathil A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<431/78%hp 440/58%m 648/98%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

[Exits: south west]
Fresh blood pools at the base of a nearby tree.

<431/78%hp 440/58%m 645/98%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid explosion of snow and ice.

<431/78%hp 415/55%m 645/98%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

[Exits: north east]
A small brown hare sniffs at the air tentatively, wary of predators.

<431/78%hp 415/55%m 642/97%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
Alathil A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<431/78%hp 415/55%m 642/97%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid explosion of snow and ice.
You fade into existence.
Your iceball *** DEVASTATES *** a brown hare!
A brown hare is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
A brown hare's leg is sliced from its dead body.
The gods give you one copper coin for your sacrifice of the corpse of a brown hare.

<431/78%hp 390/52%m 642/97%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
Alathil A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<431/78%hp 390/52%m 642/97%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You fade out of existence.

<431/78%hp 385/51%m 642/97%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

[Exits: east west]

<431/78%hp 385/51%m 639/97%mv 20496tnl 4 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
Alathil A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
(PK) Harvace A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

<441/80%hp 401/53%m 607/92%mv 20496tnl 5 AM wilderness outdoor standing>
A steel-tipped wooden spear glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Dierjnal's soul.

<441/80%hp 401/53%m 607/92%mv 20496tnl 5 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You stop using a steel-tipped wooden spear.
You wield the Weaver of Doom.
The Weaver of Doom feels like a part of you!

<441/83%hp 401/54%m 607/92%mv 20496tnl 5 AM wilderness outdoor standing> You wear a pyrohydra-scale shield as a shield.

<441/81%hp 401/54%m 607/92%mv 20496tnl 5 AM wilderness outdoor standing> People near you:
Bolamir A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
Alathil A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest
(PK) Harvace At the Edge of a Sinkhole

<441/81%hp 401/54%m 570/86%mv 20496tnl 5 AM wilderness outdoor standing> A Small Trail Through the Stunted Forest

[Exits: east west]
Riddled with stab wounds, the corpse of Dierjnal lies here.
Alathil the elf is here.
Bolamir the human is here.

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