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RE: I posted these below, but, it looks like you missed them.
Ruhktanshi prayed from 3054 for: Praise to the flute of flesh and sword of bone and Lady Yean as I twitch in this unnatural sleep.

Lyristeon <53>: Should we smite him with the flute of flesh or sword of bone?

Newbie Xaeryx: Only Thing I beg that you don't do is say. IS at the beginning of every scentence.

Newbie Xaeryx: Is good = Is gay.

Newbie Lyristeon: Is not.

Sebeok <53>: Tapioco? Like the pudding?

Sebeok <53>: one letter off.. but still.

Lyristeon <53>: They seem to log on and power rank when nobody is around.

Lyristeon <53>: We have a Thanos running about as well.

Sebeok <53>: I'm totally rolling up Puddinpop the Swordpupil.

Lyristeon <53>: Heh.

Lyristeon <53>: I will be Devidog.

Lyristeon <53>: Who wants Totsieroll?

Sebeok <53>: sweet.. Daevryn will be Twinke and Eshval will be Rinding

Sebeok <53>: Who's going to be our invoker bitch... ok, Raybear will be Fudgesicl

Sebeok <53>: shotgun Emperor... Emperor Puddinpop.

Daevryn <53>: mm twinkie

Sebeok <53>: damnit now I want a pudding pop

Sebeok <53>: probably haven't had one in 20 years, but ####ing hell I want one now

Lyristeon <53>: I just ate two devil dogs.

Lyristeon <53>: And yes, I licked the cream filling left in the wrapper.

Marcatis <53>: Go tit

Lyristeon <53>: I agree!

Marcatis <53>: got it rather. damn typo.

Kastellyn <53>: Woot!

Qaledus <53>: heh

FORTRESS Baerinika: Lyr can you set student of baer on Renkaide for me please?

Lyristeon: Want me to join fortress, vis and say "Done!"?

Lyristeon says 'Credit card debt and bankruptcy are nothing compared to female genitalia debt. There's too much interest and not nearly enough max limit.'

Erylaina <24113> is PRAYING for: Thank you so very much!

Rayihn <53>: she's nice and grateful

Lyristeon <53>: Corrlaan follower?

Rayihn <53>: Nah, sphere honor...I took her

Rayihn <53>: all your paladins are belong to me

Lyristeon <53>: I think Corrlaan followers are usually the most polite. Yours come in a close second though.

Lyristeon <53>: I think most of my followers are jackasses. Appropriately so.

Rayihn <53>: that does seem appropriate

Corrlaan says 'You'd be surprised at the patience I have.'

A helpful mortal (Colbey): Is it just me, or is the system crashing alot lately?

Lyristeon: I don't know. Do you crash a lot?

A helpful mortal (Colbey): Yes

A helpful mortal (Llondolis): Only if I've been drinking.

A curious newcomer (Xenenolix): me too

A helpful mortal (Uxlen): Last time I crashed I couldn't afford insurance for a few years. : Lyristeon: Okay. Back to normalcy.

A helpful mortal (Colbey): Har, bloody har

Corrlaan: was feeding the family so I missed the last 10 or so.

Valguarnera: We put you in charge of the Russian-only poetry contest for next weekend.

Corrlaan: Sweet. I love Perogy Haiku's

Corrlaan: Or 'Ode to the 14-woman Plow'

Valguarnera: "The custom of women pulling plows has been attributed to lack of resources to buy draft animals and the absence of their menfolk, who were often away working at other jobs."

Corrlaan: Heh..I knew I'd get you to bite.

Lyristeon: Oh, I thought that's what you did with the ugly wives back when polygamy was legal

Valguarnera: That's kind of sad...

Valguarnera: ..,seeing them neglect their kitchen duties and all

Corrlaan: i grew up in a very russian/douhkobor part of Canada..and every year at their Heritage Festival they'd hook up one of these things and 14 women in traditional Ukrainian garb would pull it a few feet.

Corrlaan: Made the front page every year.

Lyristeon: That explains a lot.

Valguarnera: If you looked closely, the plow's left turn signal was always on.

Lyristeon: Old folks Whitesnake video.

Thueldeke <8262> is PRAYING for: I can see that : Duerg IMM EMPIRE Enlilth is mostly afk solving the world's problems

Enlilth: Son bitch

Twist: archive!

Lyristeon: Woohoo! I am going to change your title to Bonheadius Maximus.

Grundr <17490> is PRAYING for: LMFAO! Name rule? Ashat the Firegiant? Asshat?

Lyristeon <53>: Damn, so much for my idea of Aw####.

Baerinika waves happily.

The Theran form of Baerinika disappears before you.

Nar <10437> is PRAYING for: I call to thee Kylish the Jaguar Spirit, Baerinika of the Elves! I call to the Paragon of Purity of Focus, I call to the Surge of Combat, I call to the Pillar of Courage! I ask your guidance in all things Goddess!

Lyristeon <53>: Well, if you had just asked for Baer, you might have caught her.

Ysaloerye says 'in the virtual world all women are hot'

Ysaloerye sits down and thinks deeply.

Ysaloerye says 'except me'

Ysaloerye wiggles her bottom.

You say 'Dwarf porn isn't hot at all.'

Enlilth says 'I disagree!'

Enlilth says 'Little people... big penis'

You say 'You would like the dwarf guys.'

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