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RE: Eagle/Lion

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
A golden eagle flies up to you quickly then slows to a near halt.
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
::: gr
A golden eagle pecks at Veerrad with his beak.
A golden eagle's pecking beak wounds Veerrad.
Veerrad yells 'Help! a golden eagle is pecking me!'
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
::: gr

[FORTRESS] Myn: Ierdikek walks as well it seems.
You dodge a skeletal warrior's punch.
You parry a skeletal warrior's punch and retaliate with lightning quickness!
Your cleave DISMEMBERS a skeletal warrior!
You dodge a skeletal warrior's punch.
A skeletal warrior screams and attacks Veerrad!
A skeletal warrior's pierce devastates Veerrad!
Your cleave MASSACRES a skeletal warrior!
A skeletal warrior dodges your cleave.
A skeletal warrior parries your cleave.
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
Envinitra concentrates for a moment and bandages her wounds.
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
::: You say 'out'
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
::: piIltanthal's group:
[48 Pal] Veerrad 74% hp 50% mana 100% mv 642763 xp
[45 Asn] Envinitra 67% hp 95% mana 75% mv 443090 xp
[51 War] Iltanthal 70% hp 82% mana 100% mv 586900 xp
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
::: pinThe edges of a golden eagle's being stretch and twist and he becomes a lion.
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
::: pinx
Veerrad seems to foresee a skeletal warrior's chop, and carefully avoids it.
Veerrad's divine power devastates a lion!
Veerrad's divine power misses a lion.
Veerrad's divine power devastates a lion!
You dodge a skeletal warrior's punch.
A lion's claw DISMEMBERS Veerrad!
A lion's claw EVISCERATES Veerrad!
Envinitra's slice MUTILATES a skeletal warrior!
A skeletal warrior parries your cleave.
A skeletal warrior dodges your cleave.
Your cleave MANGLES a skeletal warrior!
Your cleave DISMEMBERS a skeletal warrior!
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
Veerrad raises an eyebrow.
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
Envinitra has fled!
Envinitra leaves north.
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
Veerrad closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Veerrad disappears.
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<795/1127(70%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
You dodge a skeletal warrior's punch.
A skeletal warrior's punch DISMEMBERS you!
A skeletal warrior screams and attacks you!
You dodge a skeletal warrior's pierce.
You parry a skeletal warrior's pierce.
You dodge a skeletal warrior's pierce.
A skeletal warrior dodges your cleave.
Your cleave MANGLES a skeletal warrior!
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<732/1127(64%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
::: f
A skeletal warrior sweeps your legs with a long, steel-tipped lance!
A skeletal warrior's leg sweep hits you.
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<723/1127(64%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
::: fle

You dodge a skeletal warrior's punch.
A skeletal warrior's punch DISMEMBERS you!
You parry a skeletal warrior's pierce.
You parry a skeletal warrior's pierce.
A skeletal warrior dodges your cleave.
Your cleave MANGLES a skeletal warrior!
Your cleave MASSACRES a skeletal warrior!
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<661/1127(58%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
A lion rakes his claws across your body.
A lion's raking claws *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
A lion's raking claws *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You yell 'Help! a lion is clawing me!'
A skeletal warrior has some small but disgusting cuts.

<415/1127(36%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
You dodge a skeletal warrior's punch.
You meet a skeletal warrior's pierce with a resounding impact.
You dodge a skeletal warrior's pierce.
A lion's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
You parry a lion's claw.
Your cleave DISMEMBERS a skeletal warrior!
A skeletal warrior parries your cleave.
A skeletal warrior is covered with bleeding wounds.

<303/1127(26%) 568 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 4 PM>
::: You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
A skeletal warrior is covered with bleeding wounds.

<318/1127(28%) 590 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 5 PM>
::: You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
A skeletal warrior is covered with bleeding wounds.

<318/1127(28%) 590 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 5 PM>
::: You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
A skeletal warrior is covered with bleeding wounds.

<318/1127(28%) 590 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 5 PM>
::: You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
A skeletal warrior is covered with bleeding wounds.

<318/1127(28%) 590 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 5 PM>
::: afYou are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
A skeletal warrior executes a controlled overhead attack with his polearm.
A skeletal warrior's chop MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
A skeletal warrior has arrived.
You parry a skeletal warrior's punch.
A skeletal warrior screams and attacks you!
You parry a skeletal warrior's pierce.
You parry a skeletal warrior's pierce.
You dodge a skeletal warrior's pierce.
You dodge a skeletal warrior's pierce.
You parry a lion's claw.
A lion's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
You dodge a lion's claw.
A skeletal warrior dodges your cleave.
A skeletal warrior dodges your cleave.
A skeletal warrior dodges your cleave.
Your cleave MANGLES a skeletal warrior!
You parry a skeletal warrior's pierce.
You parry a skeletal warrior's pierce.
A skeletal warrior is covered with bleeding wounds.

<119/1127(10%) 590 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 5 PM>
::: af
You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
A skeletal warrior is covered with bleeding wounds.

<119/1127(10%) 590 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 5 PM>
::: gYou are affected by:
Power: 'mantle of the phoenix' for 48 hours.
Power: 'mantle of the phoenix' for 48 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 11 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 11 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 6 for 11 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 8 for 9 hours.
Commune: 'aristaeia' modifies morale by 10 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'aristaeia' modifies damage roll by 16 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'aristaeia' modifies hit roll by 16 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'aristaeia' modifies armor class by -73 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'aristaeia' modifies dexterity by 4 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'aristaeia' modifies strength by 4 for 3 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 9 for 3 hours.
A skeletal warrior is covered with bleeding wounds.

<119/1127(10%) 590 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 5 PM>
::: gr
Iltanthal's group:
[48 Pal] Veerrad 100% hp 45% mana 57% mv 642763 xp
[45 Asn] Someone 69% hp 97% mana 82% mv 443090 xp
[51 War] Iltanthal 10% hp 86% mana 100% mv 586900 xp
A skeletal warrior is covered with bleeding wounds.

<119/1127(10%) 590 1055(1055) 27100 wilderness 5 PM>
A lion rakes his claws across your body.
A lion's raking claws MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A lion's raking claws MANGLES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You are no longer resistant to flame.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
You feel some of your vitality drain out of you with this death.


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