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RE: Suggestion for level limitation
How about this for a level limitation at "Gnomie the Know-It-All":

Below level 11 = Can lore any weapon ranked below 11
After level 11 = Can lore any weapon with a rank lower then the character's current rank. (Like buying anything else at a store, if you're rank 16 you're not getting rank 31 info/gear/trollop's favors)

This lets characters find the information on any piece of gear they should be able to get easily from it's source.

Limitation possibility #2: Make limited items cost considerably more to identify. Gnomie's way of making sure you're worthy of the info. Say a 2x multiplier in copper price. Possibly some small discount to other Gnomes, as a professional curtesy.

Add in a qualifying question, so that you know how much the lore will run. Interaction runs something like this:
Lore macethatslimited

Gnomie says, "Ahhh, now there's a weapon you don't see everyday. As this one's special, it'll run ya 2500 coppers for me to tell you about it. Interested?"

say Yes

Sound fair?


P.S. Yes, I'm having fun naming the gnome. *chuckle*

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