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RE: A Merry Morian Holiday
A unique CF event for Christmas..... The evil lord Morius is giving out either presents or coal to anyone who wishes to take part. You flip a coin that has the Sun on one side, and the Moon on the other.

If the sun shows, you get a present that gives you an edge over others.
If the moon shows, the coal you receive will leave you flawed.

This event took place last year, and people seemed to enjoy it. But know the risk... You may end up with a flaw, for life, and it may not be kind. It is all left entirely to chance.

You can see a summary of last year's event below

If you hope to receive a delightful gift from me, then visit the Inn of the Eternal Star sometime tomorrow, Saturday, 12-26-2020, while I am visible, and let us celebrate the spirit of charity and giving that I hold so dearly within my heart.

And if you plan to attempt to abuse my good graces by changing between characters to repetitively attempt it... You will be sorely mistaken.

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