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RE: Character Challenge Final Phase: "The End Justifies the Means".
The Collector has disappeared with his coveted twelve statues and
has helped a few Therans with some cryptic messages to aid them with
their troubles. However, something now seems off, as misfortune has
begun to rise among the lands. Accidents and injuries have become a
troublesome thing. Citizens in the major cities grow fearful and
superstitious of the happenings. The forest's echo out with both
laughter and agony as potential peril weighs heavy with every step
within. Sailors have forbidden all women aboard any ship upon the
seas until the bad juju is driven away. All the while, a treasured
prize has caught the eye of one of the dark Gods. Will the failure
of the past come full circle towards success? Will love show no end?

Final Phase:

Date Range: Starting Now.

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