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RE: Event summary and winners.
At the behest of Panmorne, the participants donned their ceremonial hunting regalia and were only allowed to wield specific hunting weaponry. It was a wild hunt, man against beast, fellow against fowl, brothers against birds... But the results came out clear.

The winners of the primary hunt, collecting the respective number of feathers, were:

Aiya - 11
Lethik - 10
Arsaiya - 8
Tebor - 5
Yikaro - 4
Mamrek - 3
Weckledink - 2
Xaneh - 2
Gilversplitz - 1
Rusk - 1

But as the hunters finished off their small prey, a large and imposing dark creature blocked out the sky. A massive turkey, having heard all the ruckus, entered the fray!

With all of the hunters wielding their sacred weapons skillfully, the final strike was made by none other than the ranger Cafefe!


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