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RE: Results

The bonfire of the vanities pulled together a decently sized crowd with different concepts on what vanity was. Our participants were: Mozug, Aiya, Galphendor, Rogos, Deztazador, Zah, Ehlonyra, Ocrisae, and Baz. The judge and organizer was Sanzahka the Vain.

Mozug presented a bloody skin, because it had veins in it, making him vein.

Aiya presented her mastery in cooking, since she openly knows and flaunts that she is the best.

Galphendor stripped naked, dropped all his belongings, flexed, and presented himself as the perfect union of man and beast, being a minotaur.

Rogos presented his soul, since none can match him.

Deztazador presented the essence of a smoke elemental, since vanity can be dissipated like smoke.

Zah presented the Unholy Icon of the Scarab, boom!

Ehlonyra presented everything we do, since we all have to be vain in a way.

Ocrisae presented an acorn because she’s above you.

Baz slapped everybody.

First up was the vote where the audience decides. Each audience member, properly, voted for themselves! Thus nobody won that portion, those clever fiends.

Then Sanzahka the Vain picked his winner and it was…… *drumroll* Galphendor!

While the event was a success, Sanzahka seemed to be disliked by most of the crowd due to his constant insults.

All the same, vanity was celebrated, which was the goal in the first place.

Congrats to the winner, and thanks to everyone who came by to participate in this event.


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