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RE: Bonfire of the Vanities (March 16th at 6pm server)
From : Morius
To : all
Subject: Bonfire of the Vanities

Event: Bonfire of the Vanities

On the upcoming day of Friday, March 16th at 6:00pm server time there will be
a celebration of vanity held at the Inn of the Eternal Star.

Participants are to bring one object, and only one, best representing vanity.
Remember, you will have competition, so being clever and unique will put you
worlds ahead of the others. Each participant will present their object for
all to see and explain their choice.

There will be two winners: one selected by me, the other selected by vote of
the participants present.

Do try to come looking at least decent. I'll be lonely if I'm the only
attraction in the room.

- Sanzahka the Vain -

**Event visible on the CF Public Calendar:

Calendar information: http://forums.carrionfields.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=6&topic_id=68623&mesg_id=68623&listing_type=search


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