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RE: Suggestions for Emperors...
Sebeok's thief (Xanacek?...was really the first scary Emperor, ruled for almost a whole year)
Nabburak (might not work since he got Anath'd...but was a 100+ charge AP who got Anathema'd by his Lich Dread Lord which is a crazy crazy story...maybe you could have the statue be of Makholvek and be ... not nice statue)
Kharghurln (Emperor twice...Name someone else who pulled that off)
Skiltore (Built Empire back up after it had fallen off after Kharghurln's demotion...first time I remember Empire being super strong for nearly a year...probably the toughest PK bard in CF history)
Ahtieli (Ended the 4th Age :) :) heheheh)
Kostyan (Most PK's recorded (key word recorded) ever...has to mean something)
Tarleton (I live the player...and this was his only Emperor if I remember correctly...plus, Tarleton was awesome)
Hanord (really set up a "high-water" mark for his era of Emperors)
Sivyh (some really great RP in Empire during his era, plus, was part of two coups (one successful that got him the throne, one that he crushed as the Emperor))
Kurbrawn (a lowly Scion app joins Empire after a few hundred hours and somehow gets Emperor...that's the greatest success story in Empire history)

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