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RE: Investment...
It's not really a specific requirement, other than - if you participate, plan on some kind of investment out of consideration for others. The character challenges will be released with initial relationships in most cases, so participants should at least plan on investing enough to roleplay out those opening storylines.

Example: Character A's entire starting role revolves around starting a life of adventure to find a kidnapped sister. Character B's entire starting role is that she IS the kidnapped sister. I may set it up so that what Character A and B find out from each other is integral to the way the characters both develop from there (with maybe aspects of Character C and D disclosed, adding to the mix!)

I totally expect that some characters will just resolve these storylines and resume development through the normal play in a relatively short amount of time, while others may choose to drag it out. But, I do encourage all participants to plan on at least investing in their assignments long enough to get to *some* kind of resolution with their assigned storylines. Try to at least commit so that you don't rage delete before you've had a chance to play out whatever elements of your role challenge play off someone else's goals.

When I was in college, I used to LARP (live action roleplaying). I remember once playing a game, where my character's primary goal was to unravel a secret by questioning other characters in the game. The other character my secret revolved around got into a fight with her real-life boyfriend that night, and mentally checked out of the game. So, she just told me my secret from the get-go in a huff, and sat down the rest of the night to wallow. She had essentially rage deleted, leaving my character's storyline dead-ended. Don't be that player. If you're participating, at least plan on playing along for long enough that your deletion comes after story resolution, and not just a rage delete because you died to some mobs three times in a row or flub a few PK attempts. In some cases, some of the relationships you may not even know about initially! You have to give at a little time, at least.

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