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RE: I agree you old woman!
Yeah, it's really easy to fall into the trap of just playing warriors because you learn quickly how to gear and prep a warrior, and warriors are very powerful if you know how to pick your fights.

You should try a mage sometime... though you'd be far weaker than a strong spec/legacy warrior unless you are able to use ABS for those fights when you just want to overwhelm the enemy (1v1 someone at their inners, raid solo, raid multiple defenders solo, etc).

I've played mages, they just didn't do all that well. It's funny how quickly I picked up warrior tactics/preps/gear. I'm reasonably sure if I roll up another typically powerful warrior (elf stsf spear/mace or dagger/mace, fire giant imperial sword or pole or exotic, arial RBW dagger/mace, etc) I can do well in terms of pk.

My dream is to play a really powerful invoker one day, but I'll need a lot of practice in magehood before I can pull something like that off :P Chrichuk, Haratzi, Darascus, etc.

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