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RE: Supplemental idea.
This isn't meant to replace anything but could complement whatever system goes in.

Mages receive natural dam redux based on the veil and the number of mages. This does not stack with abs and once ab or s is used the effect is lost.

As the veil thins and magic flows more freely, the total pool of dam redux is then distributed to all mages with this new spell up. However, the more mages that tap into it the less redux is available to any individual mage.

Stronger mages based off of level, %, edges, and hours might pull slightly more redux than other mages.

The ratio of duration to next available casting would be 1:2, or 12 hours of redux at hero for a 24 hour span. It is not available 100% of the time. Again, edges might allow for quicker recastings or longer durations, say 5:8 or 4:6.

Huge swings in the veil, say when the Chancellor or Drillmaster dies *in a pk* can swing the veil drastically for a short period of like 2 or 3 hours or can shatter all current castings of the redux spell. Big items given to the vault or Tahren can also do this like dwarven ribcage, humansunder, or ivory unicorn pendant.

This redux spell can be better than aura or shield when used alone but is never better than any combination of abs.

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