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RE: Here's the solution:
(this is a repost, but the original post did not receive any IMM feedback. So...)

My Master Plan:

1. Destroy all current ABS wands.
2. Make new limited ABS wands with unlimited charges.
3. Make the limits on these ABS wands correspond to their power (i.e., 4 nocharge barrier wands; 15 nocharge shield wands, etc.).
4. Put these wands in static locations on appropriate mobs. (i.e., one barrier wand is held by the Dracolich, one is held by the master of the HTOS, etc.)

Let the players compete over who gets to hold these limited ABS wands.

Why I like this:
1. No more Easter Egg hunts - everyone knows where these wands are... but chances are it's in a Character's hands and not on the mob.
2. Competition. If you want the wand, you have to hope it's on the mob, or you have to PK for it (or, if you're the Emperor, order your underling to hand it over).
3. Equal footing with other classes. I think we all reached an agreement, below, that AB*and*S is only required for a very rare few characters .. all the rest only require some combination of protections and AB*or*S. Those few characters that AB*and*S are required for generally competed for the amazing gear that makes them so dangerous. So now mages have to compete to have that same level of PK power.

I think this resolves everyone's problems with the current system.

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