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RE: Comments.
Angale: Well written start to the role, but feels like it's lacking
in oomph.

Azamalfum: I thought there was a lot lacking here, like the basic
how/why of who you are, your sphere, etc.

Baldringloch: It's a good first-person perspective of beliefs, but
how did you get there?

Booorstone: Good start, but the additional chapters seem repetitive.

Borkahd: Kind of bland and unoriginal, but decently written.

Canir: Wish there were more paragraphs - block role chapters can
be hard to read. Also was a little bit confused by what exactly is
going on in that first chapter, which makes subsequent chapters

Druc: The first chapter was pretty standard. The two following
chapters were far more enjoyable, and humorous!

Drue: Good start, but wish there was more. Paints a nice picture.
Would also like to know more about the early days of life.

Farkash: First chapter made me laugh, which it went into more detail
though. Needs fleshing out!

Fealthia: Pretty basic. Covers the usual role basis, but needs more
fleshing out. Wouldn't mind seeing an update too.

Firhindil: Definitely covers all the necessary points, just isn't a
very inspiring read.

Grai: I liked the interaction, the imagery, etc. Can't wait to see
how it plays out.

Grunta: Enjoyed the scenes played out, and the story behind the
character. Will be interesting to see how the character progresses.

Gryssil: The beginning chapters never really captured my imagination,
though I liked the later "lessons". Would like to see more.

Haidoril: Liked the imagery in the initial chapter. Enjoyed seeing
how the character was evolving/growing in the subsequent chapters.

Hask: Good images and storyline, but parts seemed a little disjointed
as far as how you got from there to where you are now.

Hayim: While I liked the updating on current events, I felt like the
role in general lacked that extra something to make it special.

Iebalen: I liked the premise of the story, but the reading started to
feel a little tedious towards the end. I'd really recommend splitting
up some of those larger paragraphs to make it an easier read, also.

Iegob: I really liked how the updates always tied back to the original
portion of the role. I definitely was able to get a feel for what this
character was all about.

Ikda: Pretty basic role, it just didn't have a lot of fleshing out.
I wasn't feeling much of anything about the character by the end.

Illian: I liked the story generally, though the formatting made it a
little hard to follow. I wish there were more updates as far as how
you got to where you're at now, etc.

Jern: Initial chapter is very descriptive of the why/how behind the
character. I wish the following chapters explained more on the "why"
of the progression vs. just the "what".

Kobicar: Definite effort put into this role, but man was it a tough
read. Lots of extraneous words that made it more tedious than
necessary. Updates would also be good.

Korin: A nice first-person account of how you got to where you are.
The updates were similar, but I still felt like I could've used more
info somewhere along the line.

Larkvenn: Good start, liked the subsequent updates. Look forward to

Luggbok: Not the most original role I've read, but it did have
updates as far as where the character is at and that's good!

Minvak: Good start, would like to see more next time.

Mreash: Fairly simple, I liked how you left the role open for
evolution of the character.

Nidblot: A good start. Wish it went into more detail on how you
ended up where you're at right now, including class, cabal, etc.

Nolse: I really liked this role overall, and hope subsequent updates
are as interesting!

Odraylinder: I sort of felt lost in the beginning. I liked how the
important beliefs were integrated into the storyline though. Also,
last chapter felt rushed somehow.

Pezophaps: Cute little story. Would like more updating now that the
character is out in the world.

Proleteria: I laughed, I cried. Not really, but I liked the various
ups and downs the character has and continues to go through.
Can't wait to see what'll come next.

Pzuryxal: Very well written, and slightly disturbing. Keep up the
good work.

Quigiliiz: The beginning felt rushed - it didn't explain a lot about
the character to me.

Quixhint: Well written, kept me entertained. A nice "twist" compared
to the usual cabal role. Seemed to have a Harry Potter-esque feel to

Szaervedt: An okay start, though I wish there was more of a how/why
we're on this path. Maybe in future updates?

Thomayen: Wasn't lacking anything per se, just didn't capture my
imagination either. Could also use more updates!

Valdora: While this definitely covered all the points a role should,
it just didn't capture my imagination. Better luck next month!

Woldrun: Short, to the point initial chapter. What's next?

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