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RE: Dwarves - Forgecraft
Dwarf - Forgecraft - Manual inherent.

Dwarves can work metals like Iron, Steel, Mithril and Silver into stronger weapons or armour. By applying their Forgecraft they have a chance of succeeding and adding to the Items abilities (-1 prot vs para, breath, spell. Maybe adds just AC at lower ranks, protections mid-ranks and dam + hit roll at higher ranks)

Obviously, fails a fair bit but once perfected has a good chance of adding all 3 possible improvements. A damaged pieces will be unusuable and discarded as worthless. Only metals can be forged and takes much of the dwarf's time and concentration. The more familiar a Dwarf is with a Weapon, the better chance they have of altering it. Also, the level of the item and the dwarf make a big difference. Throw in that magical items are harder to manipulate and you should have an interesting skill, possibly making dwarves some money. Not easy to practice, once possible every 2-3 days, and draining. Its an equipment destroyer but once practiced is fairly reliable. Can stack multiple improvements with increased chances of destroying the item.


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