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RE: Is this a live event?
Not live, since I'm trying to make it so people can be on whenever during the holidays.

The idea is that, IF I get enough people joining, I'll then send (by note) each person their assigned target. They then have a week to give the gift to me (Ishuli) and I'll keep an eye out for the recipient and hand it off to them.

So timeline wise, probably about a full week long once we get enough participants.

In character does mean in character, so it would be funky for an Acolyte to give a Scarab a +5 Axe of Innocent-Killing. Coal would be fine, or anything else clever you can think of (use the pen skill and write them a note about not killing people, and give them mittens). Edited to add, almost every event allows a bit more leeway than normal IC stuff. IE: Any event where good and evil even STAND near each other without killing each other. So instead just use your char to put a flavorful spin on the gift!

Gifts don't have to be valuable, they're being rated based on cleverness, if they 'fit' between the two chars, and just how plain cool they can be. All gifts should be TANGIBLE though. Something you can give me to give the person. Feel free to put a note with your gift, and throw both into a sack or something if you want.

I hope it'll be fun. It's sort of a test run, and if this goes well, maybe we'll do it again next year.



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